Current Planetside 2 skill level

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sil4ntChaozz, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. Sil4ntChaozz

    •Avoiding watching tutorials because I can definitely figure this out myself.
    •Dies to the same HA in the same location repeatedly. Won't change tactics because it'll definitely work this time.
    •Watches tutorial, goes 'AHA!', changes nothing.
    •Uses Join Combat and claims it's unfair to be killed so fast.
    •Still sucks at sniping.
    •I'd like to clarify that I know nothing.
    •Thomas the Train camo for sundy?...
    •Only uses single shot/burst weapons to improve accuracy, gives up in two minutes.
    •Infiltration consists of, get moderately close to base, die because I got distracted. Repeat.
    •The one time I pick up a sniper after not having used one since March 7th 2013 at 3:07am I immediately get countersniped.
    •I need a different top rear gun for Sun- ooooooh what cool infantry thing is this!
    •Engineers are just glorified middle school bus drivers.
    •'I need ammo!' *Finally I'm useful!* 'I need a medic more!' .... -_-
    •How do you change loadouts without spawning/terminal? Oh wait...
    •Harassers are still fun.
    •I show up at a base to help my squad by not actually contributing because I'm dumb.
    •There's an indication of friendly fire right? I think my teammates disabled theirs somehow.
    •Valkyrie is fun and in a weird place i think
    •Can't lead a ESF with a dumbfire to save my life
    •Can't fly, you pay dearly when you crash as much as i do.
  2. Demigan

    And where did you get this experience and this insight in their mind? A friend, your own experience, an insightful questionnaire to a couple of hundred players (and if you did I want to know how that questionnaire looks like because social sciences would be thousands of times more accurate and useful if your insights are this detailed)?

    Unless you follow a single enemy/friendly for an extended period of time, you can't possibly know if the guy dying to the HA sucks at sniping, watches tutorials and still changes nothing and randomly picks infantry weapons instead of weapons for his sundy etc.
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  3. JibbaJabba

    lol. Above all, this game will punish you swiftly and severely for making a mistake or not knowing what you're doing. There are crosshairs on you always.
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  4. DarkStarAnubis

    In all fairness, the "Join Combat" option is the most moronic one, especially when they dispatch you to a Sundy and you live just enough to see a rain of C-4 falling or you are insta-gibbed by a sniper.

    You learn to forget it exists pretty soon. But as most of the PS2 thing, nobody teaches you that. And yet we wonder why the servers are empty and new players do not stick around...
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  5. DrPapaPenguin

    Dunno, I use Join Combat and Instant Action all the time and have a great time :D
  6. Sil4ntChaozz

    Personal experience.
  7. DarkStarAnubis

    Good for you mate :)

    After the initial crappy experiences with "Join Combat" I avoid it like the plague.
  8. JibbaJabba

    When an offense goes bad, squad leaders often forget to remove the offensive request markers when they abandon the battle. People hitting the "join combat" button get dropped into that last sundy that is an utter farm.

    Join combat works just fine for veterans. We pop into battle and can either hold our own, or know that things aren't going to pan out. Newbies can't make that determination so they'll stay in a meat grinder when they shouldn't.
  9. Demigan

    In my personal experience there's monkeys floating around PS2 and I shoot rainbows out of my ****! It must be true! ;)
  10. raffa2

    Join combat is extremely useful for redeploying to zones where you don't have link, after a while you will understand where the game will redeploy you with it.
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  11. Icehole1999

    Current PS2 skill level:

    Mag Dump.

    I mean, every single weapon.

    I don’t have TR Victim Complex.

    I have TR Trigger Clamp Syndrome. Even when I play other factions. Someone could follow me around as an Engineer and hit BR 120 in a month just from dropping me ammo.

    And that’s just when I play Infiltrator!
  12. Eternaloptimist

    After nearly three years of play my "skill" level varies with:
    • how tired/alert I am;
    • my blood-alcohol level;
    • the frequency and duration of lag hitches (which have started occurring since the last patch);
    • My FPS (which also falls significantly from time to time since the last patch).
  13. Moz

    I also like it when Join Combat:

    1. Sends you to another continent during an alert
    2. Send you to fight the wrong faction during an alert

    All that said, i do still use JC quite a bit to hop round the map.
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  14. stalkish

    Tell me about it:
    Esamir - Massive hotspots, hundreds of population, and im currently fighting there.
    Hossin - Dead (as usual), no population, and im not on the continent.
    IA to Hossin.....

    But at least it tells us where we are heading, so we can cancel.
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