Two Questions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoTearsForTheDead, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. NoTearsForTheDead

    1. Will cert refund be added to the marketplace as an optional purchase after level 15?

    2. I like to use my brain cells while gaming so I don't lose them. What's the most challenging class? A class that will keep my brain cells on its toes. I don't care about dying alot. I'll keep progressing.

    P.S - Please, don't troll. I'm curiuous, that's all. I get bored easily with anything, unless it's not repetitive.
  2. Cirena

    1: Never heard of such a thing but it wouldn't hurt to suggest it to the devs.

    2: Probably engineer or combat medic. Knowing when to support and when to shoot is something many never learn :v They're also the two classes that will give you the most certs if you're new to the game.
  3. raffa2

    Tank play requires quite the amount of positioning, specially with prowlers as they are pretty much dead tanks when out of position or flanked.
    this is made even worse with Mjolnir being OP now, they can shred your tank within seconds and if taken off guard you're pretty much dead.
  4. Icehole1999

    The most challenging class is Infiltrator. Not the sit a mile from the fight sniper, or the maybe get a knife kill stalker. I mean an Infiltrator that actually contributes something to their team.

    You’ll need a max rank recon tool so you can spam recon darts so your team knows where the enemy is. You’ll need a mic and be able to situate yourself so that you can observe enemy movement outside the area you have covered by darts and report to your team.

    You’ll need EMPs to take out enemy deployables at the point.

    You could conceivably use any cloak, and carry any gun, but in my opinion stalker with a Xbow certed into all available bolts would work best. That way you could help with enemy vehicles or infantry. This would be a last resort, however.

    You’d be playing the Infiltrator as a support class, which is totally backwards from what people have made it become. You’d be hacking terminals and turrets a lot, and relying on your gadgets to assist.

    This would be the most challenging class.
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  5. FateJH

    The BR15 cert refund is a one-time offer provided via prompt.
    If you hold down your quick-knife key, you'll draw your knife and continue to hold it. You are now the "how do I get close enough" class. (You can wear and Infiltrator suit while doing this but that will only make it less of a challenge.)
  6. DrPapaPenguin

    Absolutely any class is challenging if you want to play to every advantage they provide xD I'll say Light Assault, since you'll be most often cut off from direct support when flanking with jetpacks, so you'll need to be a very good judge of what you can take on by yourself and how to be stealthy without the infiltrator cloak.
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