NC dominating

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wett, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. freeAmerish

    Easy to use but boring. If we forget this fun toy attachment it has nothing special to offer.
    No extra punch like the first generation SMG´s of NC and TR, Eridani got at least with its standard rate of fire the effective range of a Carbine.
    Also Blitz/Sirius TTK is slightly better paired with a bigger damage per magazine.
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  2. Rezz

    Something is wrong with you.
  3. LordKrelas

    Says the Guy wanting to remove the Shield, the Phoenix, and that NC's needs more shotgun nerfs..
    As if Shotguns weren't bested in their best range by other guns, and that Vanguard isn't requiring a shield to live.
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  4. DemonicTreerat

    Probably because its close to the Cyclone. The real version not the mythical "no COF bloom 167 damage with no drop off yadda yadda" that TR (and VS) have in their heads. So when TR use it they're suddenly faced with all the problems NC have been dealing with - mostly in needing to make those shots count and if you miss just a few rounds you are screwed nine ways to Sunday. For the NC that isn't a problem as our entire arsenal is like that so we're used to it but the TR aren't so they immediately label the weapon as trash. Same for the Canis - as soon as cheese-mode legal cheat UA got balanced they stopped using because they can't adapt to the whole "miss and you'll probably die" mindset that high-damage low RoF weapons impose.
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  5. AISkander

    Any weapons inventor that creates a TR weapon that involves burst fire is inevitably shot by a commissar

    TR doesn't know what "leave the trigger" means