NC dominating

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wett, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. pnkdth

    "Certainly not a long range weapon but if you need face-hug distance the issue is not with the weapon." Also, there were almost no instances where he used it a face hug distance, e.g. had to drive straight up to the vehicle, but let's ignore that as well.

    That example makes no sense. A montage of an afternoon in a harasser versus a BASR hipfire montage that would take forever to make since you would never get any kills... Or wait, are you saying the Mjolnir is so hard to use you're equating it to this level of difficulty?

    My response was mainly towards Krelas over-reliance on hyperbole and tendency to get caught up on certain aspects and REALLY hammer those in. For example, so what if it is an arcing weapon, this is not unique or a reason to assume it is a bad weapon. The velocity is at 250m/s which doesn't make it particularly hard to track targets. All this adds up to it being deadly just by getting close.

    I mean, I get it, everyone does it. The second any faction get something that's amazing they defend it. I mean, some people even defended pre-nerf ZOE. Obviously not saying the Mjolnir is that game breaking.

    It is notable since the Anchor is up there with the cash swag/directive weapons. Not surprising though since it is both exceptional at CQC and mid range. If I had to pick one LMG out of all of them it be the Anchor. You will never be out of your depth.
  2. LordKrelas

    Well, if you want to ensure it hits, and given literally the number of instances where a Vulcan's range is being called less than an Arc'ing projectile, what else is to ensure the point is made.
    Not that "arc'ing" is what makes it bad, it's however a grand difference from direct fire.
    Which is what a good 50% of my damn replies are responding to: Vulcan vs MJ.
    Just to clear up why I 'hammer' that in.
    Given you actually want to get close, and need it, to properly deal the damage.
    Vulcan does not need to give a damn, to the same degree -- and it also can actually hit above.

    Like you do realize, what I've been arguing against right?
    So there you go.
  3. Campagne

    I don't know where you're drawing that quote from. But there were such ranges, most notably when he was fighting the lightings and the sundy. But sure, let's just ignore everything that contradicts our statements. :p

    The analogy makes perfect sense. One is a short range weapon but can be used at long range, the other is a long range weapon that can be used in short range. But with either, the results will not be nearly as effective as the weapon could be in it's preferred scenarios. I dare say it would take hundreds more tries to achieve a long range kill with a short range TTK using the Mjolnir than it would to hipfire headshot someone from 200 meters away with a longshot.

    Well, the heavy arching projectiles in combination with the large bloom causes a large number of weapon misses, as the grenades will sometimes land under the target. The arching nature also makes the weapon hard to accurately predict with such a large CoF. All this adds up to it being restricted to short range engagements.

    True, there's always someone wanting to defend something overpowered. Don't always even realize how OP something is until it's taken away. But that is not always the case, as it is here. The NC don't want a decent weapon to become bad once again. Same for why some players defend the Gladius and Phoenix; They're not strong or powerful weapons.
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  4. pnkdth

    It was the second sentence in the post you replied to. Stating very explicitly I do not see the Mjolnir as a long range weapon.

    Who is arguing for the Mjolnir being a solid long range weapon? Anyone? Hello?
  5. LordKrelas

    Let's just say Page 1 is a mess.
    But it's nice to know, we all seem to be on the same page besides that guy ^
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  6. pnkdth

    Aye. Seeing a different picture now.
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  7. freeAmerish

  8. Campagne

    Oh, I see. Forgot, that was half a week ago. A month in forumside time. :p

    Bunch of other people in other threads. (It all blends together sometimes.) You might have seen the video comparing the short and long range TTKs of the three short range ESAV secondaries?
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  9. Longasc

    Depends on the server, apparently. It's quite evenly NC and VS on mine, with TR having little luck lately.
  10. Drsexxytime

    Well NC does have the most and best toys right now. So you'll see people jumping there. It is what it is.
  11. LordKrelas

    Such as?

    Gladius? Argument could be made, for either side.
    Phoenix? No. You are basically target practice to anyone smart.
    Scatterguns? No, these are RNG close-range weapons.
    Tank? You are a moron for thinking that one.

    NC has RNG, firing delays, low-ROF, close-range, and easily countered tools.
    We do not even close to have the best, nor most toys.

    Go look at TR, they even have more.
    VS? Lion's share.
  12. FLHuk

    2/10 but you got a bite out of LK so 3/10 troll attempt :D
  13. Drsexxytime

    There is no argument for the defense of Gladius and Cyclone. They're OP. And DBG is not living up to their promise of monitoring situations.
    Phoenix sure, when you're outside. But it's totally balanced when numerous people are firing from a spawn room and stopping pushes with just 3-4 people as they wipe out sundies, and even if you have to park them somewhere "safe" now you've narrowed down defensive positions for them and are easier to find and concentrate.
    Scatmaxes are OP, no argument.
    I'm fine with Vanguard being good, I used to love mine back in the day, and it's still counterable.
  14. Campagne

    Cyclone has been nerfed in the past and was left alone after that. It's balanced.

    Gladius is just weak $h!t. Seriously, just roll an alt and trial the Gladius. Come back and tell us all how "OP" it is. ;)
  15. Corezer

    people are getting caught up in minutia.

    It's the Mjolnir Harasser

    it does what the gen1 Vulcan harassers did.

    true, it needs a little better aim since u cant just guide a stream of tracers on target like back in the day, but there is a greater % of veteran crews these days to moot that point. Tack on some general harasser buffs to make it even more powerful and you get very good area control for NC.

    people say that it kills from behind cover, and other pointless drivel, but that's not it, the drop isn't that high, the velocity isn't that low, it's just that it has high DPS and is accurate, on a high mobility platform that recently got made pretty tough, and the BarelyBurst™ mechanic isn't enough to reign it in when used by today's players.

    1.5x the shots per burst (and the delay in between) and watch how fast it goes down statistically even though it's still just as capable.

    The infantry weapons are fine, people just complaining. The vanguard got a buff up from the bottom, it's not on top.

    Devs are prolly gonna listen to the whiney player base tho, and nerf everything to the ground...
  16. LordKrelas

    Actually use the Cyclone.
    Actually use the Gladius: Hipfire is murdeorus.

    Phoenix, if only 3-4 manage to nuke your sunderers & your forces: Your forces fail hard.
    A single engineer outdoes 1 phoenix - Add in the range limitation, turning limitations, and that Sunderer shield..
    And you wonder how the **** you lost your sunderers
    -- and for ground forces: You'd still have to managed to get hit twice as infantry by this missile.

    As well, anyone who's played the base, knows the sunderer position.
    Anyone who's bright can track the enemy infantry to the sunderer positions.
    A Sundy shield is a grand thing.

    Scattermaxes, IE shotgun-maxes have 6 rounds per arm, and have the longest reload possible.
    It is long enough to easily kill the Max unit.
    Each shot fired, is a spread of pellets, or a single slug, controlled by RNG for the travel path.
    When not using Slugs, your damage requires the majority of these to land on target.
    The further the range, up to 15 meters at best, the less likely to hit with even one pellet.
    You can fire all 6 shots per arm, and have the enemy infantry still standing or finally dead.
    You can fire the first shot, and have the enemy dead that quick.
    Welcome to RNG - It's hell for a Max not sitting at a Choke-Point in a bio-lab with only Idiots.
    Given C-4's effective range is around the same, RL's have a further range, Archer-Fire is further, Tank Mines can be launched, and at that range, it's hard to miss with any gun on such a big target.

    Try fighting a Pounder Max, or any Chaingun max - It hits, it hits, it hits, It can reload faster than your damn own rifle.
    VS Max: It also reloads about a bit faster.
    NC? You can reload the rocket Launcher basically. Let alone now.

    Step past 15 meters, not even a stray shot can hit - and you have at best 6-12 rounds.
    If you aren't NC, but TR or VS, you can actually hit stray shots past this even as a bad shot.
    And as TR or VS, you can reload fast enough that you aren't vulnerable & unable to fire.
    NC's reloading phase, basically allows it to be killed, due to length alone.

    Vanguard isn't good.
    It has a shield that requires the Enemy to be an idiot.
    If it disengages, has cover, or forces the shield use, it basically can deplete the shield, making the Vanguard have no ability to survive - It is out DPS'ed hard.
    If an idiot decides the face-tank a vanguard, that is fully shielded... the idiot loses to the Vanguard, and screams.
    If an idiot decides to attempt a DPS battle against a Prowler: said idiot loses, and is silent.

    Canis' Original Unstable-Ammunition, granted headshot hitbox enlarging for all purposes.
    Now that is properly ********.
    Which has been fixed, with a bit too much: So now the Canis, can finally be adjusted properly, to be more effective.
    Without massive head-shot bull that tainted the weapon, making it insanity to buff it at all while still there.
  17. Corezer

    I'm pretty sure a single engineer with a level 3-4 tool will outheal 2 of them, maybe a third if they're far enough away.
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  18. adamts01

    When I first started this game I went NC. I got teamkilled because my Platoon lead (open platoon) wanted 48 Lightnings and I brought an ammo Sundy. So I left after 1 week of NC and spent the next year on TR. As a noob defending our defensive sundy in the Tech Plant, my job was to shoot down NC Phoenix rockets. It was like Duck Hunt, but much easier. I can see an argument for the Gladius being over-tuned, kind of, but the Phoenix just isn't that effective. Having said that, I would be fine with a mechanical change, as it's lame sitting there and shooting from a spawn room, and it's lame sitting at the Sunderer and playing a worse version of Duck Hunt. So I'm open for a new launcher, as long as it isn't a shotgun.
  19. freeAmerish

    At least it´s better than Failstorm and Tengu.
    Also it seems this sh*t is more appealing than Jackal.
  20. Campagne

    Tengu? Maybe, but I've got doubts. I've no idea what's wrong with the Hailstorm, but I'm not so sure an awful lot could be worse. :p

    Don't know why so many players seem to be against the Jackal. It's kinda boring I guess but it's a decent enough weapon minus the horrible damage drop and mediocre SMG accuracy.