The Phoenix should not be able to fired within spawn rooms

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS0NE, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    With the buffs given to the Phoenix there is no way you should be able to shoot these from spawn rooms, they can keep whole armor columns at bay with total immunity to enemy fire and, don't give me that whole you just have to shoot them deal, it isn't that easy even for one let alone a whole squad.

    Also, the Lancer is garbage now, I certainly see plenty of Striker and Phoenix fire on Connery but no more Lancers, that is because it is pretty much useless now, this must have been another one of Wrel's genius ideas.
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  2. FateJH

    You want to know the honest truth? Long as I have been playing this game (2012), I've only ever seen three mythical Lancer nests.
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  3. Ziggurat8

    Never seen one myself. Even spent 45 minutes one day trying to coordinate one. No one was interested or there weren't enough guys with it unlocked. I gave up after that.

    Current Lancer is absolute garbage. Ran with it exclusively on Saturday as my HA. Will never equip it again. It just felt completely worthless. Would have done better with any other RL. Switched back to the Nemesis. Dumbfire/AA is hard to beat.
  4. LtBomber

    The Lancer was nerfed harsh: All other launchers get increased RoF, with shorter reload times traded for damage. The Lancer on the other hand traded damage for 3 rounds.
    Problem is: Lancer Dps is NOT calculated by reload times, but by charging time (Ofc unchanged) Combined with further nerfs (Range, velocity and now here dps double nerf (damage for NO compensation)) Lancer is in garbage tier now.
  5. Campagne

    Anybody ever seen a cluster of Phoenixes either? Most I've ever seen at once was maybe four or five, myself included.

    Anyways though, the Phoenix is probably the least threatening AV weapon in the entire game. Not only does it have laughable DPS, but it can be completely nullified by one guy with a pistol. And if you can't hit a large, slow, glowing orb with no maneuverability, the problem isn't with the Phoenix.

    Dying to Phoenixes is one of the most preventable deaths in the game.
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  6. AISkander

    Don't worry, even if the devs don't play vanu we still will. And we will win, ****** weapons or not.
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  7. Jac70

    I see a lot of NC whine that Phoenix is uselss but that's not how I see it. I think it's the only RL that can be fired in total safety. Yur are not gonna get your head popped by a camper or OHK by a tank round. They do significant damage and despite the typical 'L2P' excuse they are not easy to shoot down.

    All said though they aren't gamebreaking - just annoying.
  8. Drsexxytime

    On certain outposts they can eradicate all the sunderers from the room. I've seen it happen, and you can't shoot down all the rockets. Like the Gladius, Cyclone, and Scatmax, this is one of those OP/Best in Class weapons that won't get adjusted because it's NC. They adjusted it years ago when it was one shotting infantry, and that was about it. It's still too effective. But notice the trend here? NC weapons skate by if OP, VS (lancer, Canis, etc) gets wrecked. TR stays strong, or stays weak, just no adjustments.

    These devs suck. At launch it was NC weapons needing help. Well, they got help alright.
  9. LordKrelas

    Where the hell are you parking them, that the Phoenix can hit it, and not realize nor move the sunderers if inside that range..
    Like dear lord.

    Cyclone, do you see it being used rather than anything else?
    Scatmax: You ever use a NC Max outside of a Bio-Lab or choke-point, or heaven forbid, against intelligent foes?
    Best in class: Sit vulnerable as hell, for the entire flight time & reload of a weapon with a set-limited range.
    Best in class; Have 6 RNG rounds at your sole range, with the longest reload, in C-4 Land at all times.
    Best in Class; Highest DPS SMG (Cyclone)
    One of these works, the rest is ********.

    Gladius... yeah good luck hitting a target.

    Lancer is not useless.
    Canis, was a head-hitbox enlarger with that ammo.
    Of all the VS tools from OP to adjusted, over-nerfed or touched, You can only think of lancer (mentioned here once) or Canis?
    You do realize, if NC's AI maxes were nerfed again, they'd basically lose CQC.. their only range.
    Like come on, RNG shotguns with the longest reload, shortest range, and You call it OP?
    That max is counting their blesses, or is being fed entirely by Idiots: NC is always in C-4 Range.

    Lancers? Furthest Range, near perfect accuracy weapon.
    Even with the reduction, it works beautiful if you know the weapon.
    Phoenix: Doesn't matter how well you know it, you are basically ****** outside of a spawn room.

    I literally go up, and knife Phoenix users in the face from in-front, after shooting or repairing though their damage.
    Lancers? They aren't stationary, with a trail straight to them, and dead-to-rights the next shot they fire.
    How so, well, sherlock, by the next shot, they are unable to see - or defend themselves.
    A Lancer isn't suffering from this.

    Given how if it isn't fired in a spawn-room, you are defense-less, perfectly still, blind, and will be reloading after the missile finally detonates... you then have to recall you can basically fire any RL at a spawn.
    Just the Phoenix, basically makes you the perfect target by firing - So if not in the room, you are bait.

    Yes, let me observe the 2-shot required on the 300 meter or less guided rocket, that leaves the user defense-less & blind for the entire period, and is out-repaired by a grenade.
    Hell, not even getting to the "Only RL that can be denied damage entirely by a good shot with a pistol"
  10. Prudentia

    you can still shoot the pheonix from behind cover if spawnshields block it. you just can't do it from absolute invincibility anymore.
    Last time i was in a lancer nest in like 2014 it was great against tanks around crossroads and vanu archives,but air was hella scary and we usually either got wiped by all the dead tank drivers pulling ESFs with rocketpods ( and 4 of those already annhiliate a lancer nest) or a galdrop right on our head (which was the more fun way to die).
    phoenicians don't have that issue, they are rarely used outside of a spawnroom to shoot rockets over a rock.
    actually i think the only thing the phoenix really needs is the ability to quickly turn down without affecting the other turning angles so you can play it like a javelin and shoot up,fly over your target and then strike them from above.
  11. Prudentia

    oh look, it's a useless phoenix being used outside of a spawnroom. to hit a sundy under a biolab pad from the outpost base dodging around cover that would break line of sight for every other factions.
  12. LordKrelas

    So, shoot him? he's completely stationary while firing: if there's LOS to the shooter from anyone, they are easily killed by anything.
    As well, unless he's a total moron, ofc he'd fire from "around a corner", given he's perfectly still & blind during the flight of the missile -- unlike any other RL, he has no ability to even attempt a dodge during the flight.
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  13. Campagne

    Could you explain this picture a bit to me? I don't see what significance it has.

    I can see the circles obviously, but I can only see the rocket in the right one and nothing else. This there supposed to be a stealth sunndy in the left circle which I don't see?

    What faction is the sunndy in the circle? It's kinda purplish, and given the location and supporting evidence it's probably VS, which you claim is the target.

    So, what's the point of the picture? It only shows someone using a Phoenix with an enemy sunndy somewhere kinda nearby. Assuming the NC guy did fire it from a position where he could guide it around the wall while still less than 12 seconds away it would be possible to hit the sunndy, but this screenshot doesn't actually show that happening. Not even close.

    Am I missing something here? Or is this just a lightning ball manifesting outside a base in the snow? :p
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  14. moriarrr-ceres

    You can shoot the rockets but they will do damage to your vehicle no matter what (it's a bug?)
  15. Campagne

    Shooting them doesn't destroy them, it just knocks them off-course.

    With the terrible, slow maneuverability and short lifespan of the rockets, this can be difficult to recover from. Assuming the rocket doesn't fly into the ground or anything else.
  16. Prudentia

    i'm sorry that i didn't make 39 screenshots tracking the flight of the missile, which you just admitted is ******* hard to see, waiting for about 5 rockets to properly piece them together. or you know, just think for a second about the layout of Mani and you'll understand how it works.
    The circle in the left is from where the guy is shooting and on the minimap the sundy is standing under the gravlift stairs
  17. Campagne

    That's OK, you'll just have to do better next time. :p

    It's plausible, but if the guy is/was somewhere in the red circle when he fired, then the rocket is flying in the wrong direction. Unless he's going for an incredibly wide turn, he's not going to even see the sundy from there. If there is a cloaked sundy there, he should have shot over it to minimize travel time.

    Again though, just shows that someone is using a Phoenix, not that they're using it effectively or from long(ish) range.
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  18. Prudentia

    i spotted the guy a moment later, he was standing on the ground right behind the vehicle gate. he shot them in an angle to fly around the spires, infront of which i'm standing in the screenshot. no he was not missing the sundy, the phoenix has enough manouverability to make that curve.
  19. Campagne

    He definitely wouldn't miss with that much room to turn it around, but the act of turning would waste a lot of extra lifetime of the rocket. Assuming he did hit without issue, it would have been close.

    The DPS would have been hilariously pathetic from that far away though, this much is certain. :p
  20. Prudentia

    about as hilariously pathetic as a single Lancer, just without the requirement for line of sight ;)