This is not a usual request, this is to solve a problem from planetside2.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by No0T, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. No0T

    Once a person leaves a shielded spawning room the shield should act for them as a wall for a given 30 seconds... so people would stop using them to step in and out like it has been since the down of ages of all mmorpgs...

    Make planetside2 teach people to actually have fun and stop thinking themselves smart by NOT PLAYING the game they came to play stepping in and out shielded spawning rooms. Specially in the labs.
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  2. FateJH

    I understand the suggestion; but, could you restate the problem statement in clearer terms, and why the fix is essential?
  3. FLHuk

    "I want thirty seconds of invulnerability after leaving the spawn to get my K/D up a tad."
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  4. EinPixel

    Well, you understood quit the opposite of his suggestion. The suggestion was to stop eny defender from reentering the panic room for 30 seconds. Spawn -> Look out of the window -> step out -> getting shot -> trying to run back into the spawnroom -> sprinting at the "wall-hard" barrier -> die by broken neck enemies boolets.

    The simple lockout would discourage this KD warriors from going out at all...
    The noobs would still go out and die...
    The vet would change the spawnpoint...

    I think it could still work paired with kinda reward for going out. Something like:
    Get 45% dmg reduction for 15 seconds and a lockout for 30 second after leaving the spawnroom the first time after respawn.

    The dmg reduction would push the attacker further way from the spawnroom without those stupid field of death...
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  5. Pelojian

    i don't see why defenders being spawn camped shouldn't be able to reenter the spawn, if you are there spawncamping, you are not supposed to be there.

    don't spawncamp and you won't have targets fleeing into the spawn room when they see they have 10 guns pointed at them immediately on exiting the spawnroom.
  6. adamts01

    It's about manipulating player behavior for the betterment of the game. I've always proposed locking players out of the spawn room once a shot is fired. 30 seconds is harsh though, think of someone who made a mistake with their loadout. 10 seconds would suffice, and I think doubling a player's resistance for those 10 seconds would be a great combination, similar to EinPixel's proposal. When it comes down to it, spawn camping and fighting from the spawnroom are both incredibly lame. This addresses both tactics and would help the flow of battle.
  7. Pelojian

    then solve the spawn camping issue rather then punishing a player for leaving the spawn room and deciding to run back into the spawn room because he has no chance of surviving 10 spawncamper's guns.

    as is now there is no reason not to spawncamp if you can because ether there is only one spawn room or the secondary spawn room is in the stupidest place (like 100m away) making it ridiculously easy to lock them both down.

    this thread is literally a complaint that spawncampers can't kill smarter spawncamped players.
  8. FLHuk

    People are defending Noot threads. Time to leave :D
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  9. adamts01

    This is a decent bandaid. It helps players fight out of a spawn room with 10 seconds of double health and keeps spawnroom heroes from getting pointless kills and stat padding.

    A real fix would be better base design, but I don't think that's going to happen at this point. Middle ground would be adding cut and paste tunnels or teleporters in some bases, kind of like Tech Plants. But that's considerably more resource intensive than changing how the shield works.
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  10. EinPixel

    Well, spawncamping may be the root of the problem. Fixing spawncamping may solve the problem, but hey, you are free to give a suggestion how to solve spawncamping
    • reliably
    • without huge afford (reworking the whole bases)
    • without making attack to difficult
    His suggestion may be not 100% THE ONE solution. But still, he points to a huge problem AND offers a (partial) solution.
    Lets pretend, how his suggestion works with an time limited resistbuff and a timed gate opening (5 seconds every 15 seconds).
    When 20 attackers camp the spawnroom and then 20 defender with buffed resists swarm out (coordinated through limited opening time) the camper are done... if not in the first run, than in second one...
  11. EinPixel

    The laziest solution would be (in my mind) to disable (well visible) the XP gain against room leaver... So they do not give XP and killcounts for 20 seconds after they leave the room. The greed would drive the majority of campers away.

    Still not a solution, but kinda reduction of campercounts by cutting their benefits.
  12. Pelojian

    there's nothing there that is a solution, it's a punishment on the victim because of the actions of the spawn campers, the real solution is better base design so you can't spawncamp easily and give defenders enough routes that attacks can't lock them down with typical zerg numbers.

    this is really no different then the spawncampers want spawn shields so defenders can't fire from the spawn room, it all about shifting 'fixes' negative aspects onto the victims rather then putting them on the perpetrators.

    he's not talking about the shield granting protection, he's talking about when you leave the spawn room for 30 seconds you can't pass through the shield from the outside, trapping anyone that leaves to be slaughtered by 10+ guns pointed their way.

    note he said wall, not 'extra shield', 'bonus shield' or 'damage reduction' tie that in with the rest of it and it's clear he is not talking about protection for defenders, he's talking about trapping defenders between the spawncampers and the spawn room door shield.
  13. EinPixel

    Thats why I said it is a partial solution.
    On its own it does not much. But add few further modification, and it becomes to a functional band aid...
    Because, let us be honest, a base redesign will not happen in next time (years).

    If your faction is outnumbered so much that the only action you can do is barrier bouncing, the base is allready lost. Further more: If you doing it while the timer is running against you, you are not contributing at all to win the battle.

    But if all the bouncer would stop their "smart" "defendening" and push more or less organized, they would actualy get a chance to force the enemy to fall back.

    I saw so many times how 5-10 spawn protectors defend the spawnroom while 2-3 enemies shoot them from 50m+ range... they could simply overwhelm the attackers, but hey, they were to smart to simply attack...
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  14. Pelojian

    it won't fix anything, players would just sit in the spawnroom and fire out the windows and never leave, so you have a change that literally only very slightly alters player behavior in a non-constructive way.

    in a spawnroom situation now the only good option is to counter attack or split a counter attack with a push from the spawnroom, but pubs don't think like that at all, they focus on **** like K/D padding instead of playing the game like a tactical game.

    the issue is that spawn camping takes place, not that the spawncamped are smart enough to farm the spawncampers from behind the shield after realizing they are there and going back behind the shield.

    the only effective solution is base redesign to make it difficult to cut off the defenders, but DBG doesn't like the idea of defensible bases outside of bio labs.
  15. Icehole1999

    Really, if you’re being spawn camped you should be redeploying elsewhere because the fight is over.
  16. No0T

    Stalkers and infiltrators would go out anyway.
  17. No0T

    The fight is not over... some maps have easy ways to spawn camp others do not... it depends on the spawn... but one important thing is not to encourage people to step out and in... that is absolutely boring and frustrating for both sides and makes people not understanding this keep doing until they quit the game thinking they played it.
  18. No0T

    It is not smart to spend time NOT PLAYING THE GAME YOU CAME TO PLAY. IT is utterly stupid... and boring. Everybody knows how stupid is the step in and out thingy that guys without the courage to even play a first person shooter come to do. We want players not little wusses steeping in and out thinking they are playing the game instead of exploiting a bad solution... This will end that... and keep everything else like it is.
  19. Icehole1999

    Would this plan extend the restricted area NoOT?
  20. Skraggz

    I kinda like where NoOT is going with this. Almost makes me wonder if this is NoOT or an imposter