How to get to know the actual Planetside community

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mo55, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. Mo55

    So guys I am a Miller veteran and someone involved in the community. It has come to my attention that people come to Planetside 2 forums, and see that there are minimal posts.
    The community of planetside is mainly based on discord and reddit. So this is your gateway! - Miller reddit - Briggs reddit - Cobalt reddit - Connery reddit - Emerald reddit

    Don't be shy and post if you are looking for people to play with or have any questions.

    Now if you really want to get involved, then download discord - Main planetside 2 discord - Miller discord channel!

    Here ask for help, ask for advice, ask whatever you need and someone will help!

    Otherwise, if you are really lost. Feel free to add me on discord frakos/brownbaby#5477
  2. freeAmerish

    Those 2% on Reddit are a part of the community, but not The community.
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  3. PlanetBound

    The screen is too bright.
  4. Campagne

    Fnck Reddit! :mad:
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  5. Mo55

    I'm showing players where to go to to actually learn about the game, and find out about all the events are actually happening. Something for them to watch, something to get involved it, something to aim towards...

    And most of all, a group of people that will readily take them on and help them get better and learn the game
  6. freeAmerish

    I would never deny that Reddit can be useful.
    Since the developers are active there, and if someone is interested in the stuff happens on Jaeger server.

    But Reddit is also the home self proclaimed PS2 Overlords which are far away from average´s player daily business. Also people should prepare for insultings and an immense amount of saltiness.

    And I need no reminding that this Forum often behaves like a class in primary school.
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  7. Mo55

    To be honest, actually if someone makes it clear that they are new, I am pretty confident that they would get very useful advice and guidance. Yes there will be memes, but ppl would definitely help, cos the vet community on ps2 is very helpful as compared to other gaming communities
  8. Ven Moonwall

    been awhile since i felt like quoting so this may not work xD

    anyway. while i agree that the vet community can be helpful AT TIMES. i advise caution at directing new players to them right away. they can, always have been, and always will be the saltiest mound of hate in this game. believe me as i am right in there with them
  9. Mo55

    Reddit can be sometimes a little salty, however, generally you will find someone to help you.

    Otherwise I have pointed people towards discord, where people will definitely be able to find help and advice