[BUG] Meltdown Implant Reward does not work.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by REZistance, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. REZistance

    Upon winning an alert last night I was given a Meltdown Implant Reward. Well, it never actually gave me an implant. My implant list did not change at all (I know it didn't change because I'm acutely in touch with what implants I have and don't have), and there was nothing in the breakdown duplicates button.

    Devs could you please look into this. And if you get around to it, could you slip Aerial Combatant into my implant list for the one I didn't get tonight? Thanks :D
  2. EinPixel

    Not 100% sure if I understand you right,
    but if you talk about those Image of a crate that looks like Implant crate after the win, its not an Implant... Its an reward of up to 300 ISO-4, depedning on your participation time.
    Here is a link that might help:
  3. BigDAD68

    No, it is the loot box which is missing. The 300 ISO-4 for the win is granted but the loot box "Meltdown Implant Reward" is not granted (it is granted, but no item behind). No extra implant, no duplicate implant, no extra ISO-4. Just nothing.

    Iridar has to add the new reward "(8) Meltdown Implant Reward" which currently seems to be broken.
  4. Prudentia

    considering how every week they now realize that a implant wasn't in the drop table for the thing people spend cash on i wouldn't be suprised if it works perfectly... the drop table for it is just empty...
  5. EinPixel

    LoL realy?! First time I saw the box, I looked at my implants: nothing new. Ok the box represents those bonus ISO I thought...
  6. Moz

    My outfit mate got one of these last night..... He got 1 implant from it.... Regeneration 1.

    Are you supposed to get more than one Implant from this pack? If not it seems a little silly to me!? 5 ISO for winning an alert?
  7. Lizare

    I got it and don't know what is it too, maybe a random implant.
  8. Lizare

    Any news about what is it supposed to be?
  9. BigDAD68

    DB Support confirmed that it seems to be a program bug but they won't do anything about it. No compensation will be granted.

    I reported it as suggested in the issue tracker, let's see how it continues.

    • Up x 1
  10. FLHuk

    Confirmed feature, good work guys! :(
  11. Lizare

    Thanks! I reported it too with a few other things and they just didn't answer :D
  12. Eternaloptimist

    Are you sure it wasn't a duplicate for one you already have?
  13. Ninjanerd888

    I've just come from an alert and it gave me another sweeper hud from that meltdown implant reward
  14. Ninjanerd888

    Maybe its fixed??
  15. Lizare

    Same here, I didn't got anything the first time and today I got an ammo implant with it.
    It's probably a 500iso pack, if you're lucky a new implant, else a double.
  16. ShiroSan

    Great, just rolled it tonight on my NC character and was trying to figure out what it was. No reward... No Breakdown duplicates... Etc... DayBreak needs to start fixing more bugs and definitely compensate players who point out issues like this when robbed a reward. Especially since it's all digital.
  17. REZistance

    Well, I figure if it was a duplicate that it would then end up in the 'breakdown duplicates' button, however there was nothing there. I simply didn't get any reward for winning that particular alert.

    Unless.. I guess if it actually was a duplicate and it somehow automatically broke it down into ISO, but then again, I would have noticed that because I know how much ISO I had at the time. Strange. I just think it isn't working properly at the moment.

    In addition to that, I think getting a single implant as a reward for winning an alert is kinda lame. At this late stage of the implant game I think most people have all or most of the basic implants, so to get something that you just end up breaking down into like, what, 5 ISO? Pretty 'meh' if you ask me. Add some vehicle horns to the drop table :D
  18. Lizare

    I got it 2 times, when it's work as it supposed (probably) it's like that:

    The first time I didn't got anything.
  19. Graubeorn

    Can confirm this (Jan 3). Got the Meltdown Implant Reward, which as far as I can figure out gave absolutely nothing when opened.
  20. DarkStarAnubis

    It seems to be random. I won a Meltdown Implant Reward and I got a new implant in the list.