PS4, rocklet rifle ammo types are un-selectable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChiefRedwood, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. ChiefRedwood

    I can't equip the "Typhoon" rockets I recently bought for the Light Assualts Rocklet Rifle on PS4. I went to VR, and couldn't equip either the Locklets, or Typhoon rockets.
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  2. Higgles

    same here just saved up the 500 certs for typhoon rocklets and can't equip them. Not happy.
  3. FirePhox

    Trust me, the default are best. Typhoons drop like a sack of bricks and locklets are just useless. Meanwhile I have hundreds of kills on the default just from sniping vehicles.
  4. ChiefRedwood

    I spent 500 certs on it. Id take the typhoon rockets because i dont snipe vehicles, i use it to finish the job from using c4.
  5. TR5L4Y3R

    If you single fire default is best
    but typhoon is best for close up magdumping and almost as powerfull as rocketlauncher

    yea locklets are just meh ... should rather be changed into coyotestyle missiles for not being able to magdumb with maybe decreased projectilelifetime so for shorter range

    Let's stop the off-topic "my choice is better" stuff. The guy has a technical issue, not a functional one.
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  7. zorrotmm

    Exact same issue. I guess this game developer doesn't give a ****? Last time I'll be spending money on planetside, that's for sure.
  8. Awni

    I also have the same issue, I'm on ps4, I can't select either type, I bought both with BC, my cash wasted..
  9. Awni

    It's one thing to lose your certs, it's another to lose your hard earned cash, it is my opinion that ps4 receives hot fixes far later that pc version..
  10. non_fat_slayer

    Awni has the same problem as me.