Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LUCAGRABACR, Nov 29, 2017.


    The drifter jumpjet is not only for jump pad drifting guys :p

    A lot of people seems to overlook the fact that you basically have the same hipfire CoF as when you're strafing but with 5-6 times the speed. Not the safest technique to use in open fields where you're severely outnumbered of course, but in close-quarter-combat, especially in buildings, it's a beast
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  2. Kristan

    Yyyyup, I love drifting around the bases with Lynx. It has some Tribes vibe.
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    I envy your 40 bullets magazines :p (I have a TR alt so I know the feeling)
  4. Kristan

    Hah, when I watched this video I felt something was off. Like your mag depleted faster than I expected, the reason why you have swapped to sidearm. Only later I have realized that you have only 30 bullets per mag. :D
  5. Sazukata

    Is that an Initial D reference? That takes me back.

    Yeah it is :D
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