About rewards for winning the alert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BartasRS, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. BartasRS

    So... if a side triggers an alert and wins it we get some nice stuff along ISO-4 as a reward, that's awesome but...

    So far I participated in metric crapton of alerts of which my side won quite a bit but as I see at my rewards so far I am starting to develop my little conspiracy theory here.
    So far I got countless decals and XP boosts, fine, nice free stuff. I believe that patch notes introducing reward system said we will be getting various stuff from the depot (and not only!) and it is true to some degree as I sometimes get (in chronological order as I got those) helmets, Ant cosmetics (tires, grill), Flash cosmetic (antenna, tires), Lib/ESF glass and, recently, I am getting white chassis lights (for almost all ground vehicles so far). Odd reward was 100 certs one time.

    My question is: don't you get the feeling that the loot table for alert rewards is being updated on the fly? I mean, I see all people get similar rewards at the same time with very few exceptions. The "value" of the reward surely is not connected with territory owned as I got chassis lights for winning with 36% and with 95% and I did not see anyone getting some awesome cosmetics like armor or trim or horns.

  2. FateJH

    Can you phrase your objection in a more straightforward way?
  3. BartasRS


    My objection is that the loot table probably does not contain all possible items from the depot.
  4. Pelojian

    you really expect them to have everything on the loot tables?

    it would be a bad business decision to put all their best money makers in the loot tables, makes much more sense to put the low and mid tier earners on the loot tables with a small chance of getting a select few of the best sellers.
  5. stalkish

    All ive won are 'classic' decals, i use the planetside 1 decal on everything so theyre useless for me.

    My outfit m8 won some 'composite armour' once but since thats all it said he cannot find what he actualy won and has no composite cosmetics unlocked for any class. LOL.

    Does anyone know if its restricted to SOE/DBG made items as opposed to player made?
  6. BartasRS

    I understand that and have nothing against it but they said in the stream that the rewards will be random. 8 out of 10 rewards being Decals hardly can be called random. I would apprecieate some Camo now and then. I am not hoping to get new Galaxy exterior every second alert but giving Decals/XP boosts 90% of the time is kinda lame. They did said that we never get same item twice and it will not be an item already owned by us but I get the strange feeling that when I get all possible decals and not-so-popular cosmetics (who sane uses chasis lights on a stealth vehicle?) I will be getting XP boosts only.

    Again, it is not a rant, I'm just curious.
  7. BartasRS

    I got 2 composite helmets - 1 for HA and 1 for Max, it's probably one of the 2 if my theory is correct.
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    I believe that (1) only DBG/SOE-made items are available in the rewards pool, (2) not every cosmetic even from those. Giving out low-value (i.e. mostly non-visible) rewards more often is also understandable.

    And I sure don't want freeloaders to run around in premium, amazing-looking gear (all those people in the free, broken ugly AF helmet are hilarious enough). :p
  9. stalkish

    Ill get him to have a check, thnx m8.
  10. Campagne

    Well being the NC main that I am I hardly know anything about alert loot drops firsthand. :p

    I've also gotten two white chassis lights in a row though, (sunndy & haarasser), as well as four of the "Classic" decals, and one composite armour.

    Really wouldn't surprise me if the drop chances were a bit rigged. There does seem to be a few coincidences here and there.

    Perhaps the rewards have a higher chance depending on the number of alerts won. I.E. white chassis lights dropping earlier with a higher frequency?
  11. stalkish


    We win our fair share, when the 4th faction decides it wants NC prizes that is ;).
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  12. Jac70

    I think it's pretty clear that not all items in the store will be possible rewards. You're not gonna get a set of Zealot armour from wining an alert. All the stuff is old stuff. I've had some decent rewards though. chassis lights, decals, tires for my flash etc. I am hoping to get the spare tire for the Sunderer.
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  13. BartasRS

    I got Ant Tire caps some time ago so maybe Sundy ones will also drop one day.