Welcome To Connery

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drascalicus, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Drascalicus

    When people complain about how "Oh the Connery TR and VS team up against the NC!"

    Just look at this image. The NC and VS on Connery have an alliance, except it is one way. The NC never attack the VS over any territory, only defend, and the VS will cap their bases quickly since the NC Zerg is too busy pounding the TR. If VS start an alert, NC will happily oblige and only attack the TR. NC triggers an alert, and the VS swarm them, giving the TR a bit of a reprieve.

    Welcome to the Connery TR soldier, prepare for an anti-zerg adventure where you will be ground to dust.
  2. MichaelMoen

    I want to argue. But I can't. You're not wrong.

    When I log on and look at a map like that I think the same things, I've even redeployed to fight the Vanu but once they see some NC are capping on of their Outposts at the least a full squad of them redeploys to obliterate us. It just sucks that the majority of the NC prefer to farm the farms that start against you.
  3. Drascalicus

    A full squad or 2 plats from FPSK or TWC2?
  4. FateJH

    It reminds me of the good old days of sub-20% TR Helios. Those were the times that created the great Republic forces that lasted long until the Genudine merge. I only pray the whetting process doesn't go ignored by those fighting.
  5. Atorum

    Played on Miller, same thing, NC and VS against TR.
    Playing on Emerald, same thing, NC and VS against TR.
    Answer is simple, in game where you win by conquering territories its always best to attack the weakest faction.
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  6. Ibnuzen

    It's been this way on Connery for a long time. We even ask the NC why they don't go after the Vanu and they /yell Vanu is OP. It's not a problem though, we laugh at alerts because we are used to being double-teamed. We've won some alerts because we are just practiced at redeploying into new fights at a high tempo.
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  7. Xada

    Don't BS everyone, this is not the norm and you know it. This is likely FPSK and HHCN zerging in the morning, as soon as BURT and TWC2 log on, it's back to beating up NC.
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  8. Necron

    Who's really afraid of The Mild ***** though?
  9. Erendil

    ATRA Lives!
  10. backflip360

    Welcome to Briggs Friends. Where Cancer medic is all the rage, and TR have 30%+
  11. adamts01

    This really needs to change if this game is to survive. Firstly, continent pops. If they're not going to impose a hard limit of 2% (which would understandably piss some people off and worsen the grind for new players), then they have to **** over-pop factions to lessen their effectiveness with severe nanite generation penalties and spawn delays. Secondly, they need to reward players more for stopping alerts, so that people will actually fight objectively. I'm sure any TR who logged on switched to either NC or VS because there's not a snowball's chance in hell of winning an alert with 24% pop. So make it worthwhile to at least fight and stop enemy alerts. I understand the whole laissez faire argument, but this game NEEDS more competition, more balanced fights, and less uncontested zerging.
  12. MichaelMoen

    Don't forget 24x7. But yeah. For the longest time I really couldn't care less about what outfit everyone was in so everyone was just random names to me. But then I started paying attention to the tags and now I've noticed the same Outfits over and over again in really annoying battles, and those two you said are the heaviest hitters.
  13. adamts01

    Those outfits are definitely tight, and they're not cheating, so you can't blame them for anything. I completely blame the devs for such a linear strategy, with zero logistics or any other ways to disrupt a large force. The reason this has reached a peak is the massive Asian population we have on this server. It seems that they don't care in the least about having a good fight, and that winning is the single thing that matters, which is exactly opposite the reason I think most Westerners play. If there was an Asian server then maybe there wouldn't be a problem, as this mess isn't nearly as bad anywhere else but Connery. Bottom line though, something has to change, as an Asian server wouldn't pay for itself and Connery isn't going to last much longer the way things are, then Emerald is next, with an additional 50ms ping stacked on top of their 300-400.
  14. Humoreske

    Wow, it's an impression operation. The attached image is a rare situation. TR wins as much as VS in Connery!
    also, there are so many Asians who are coming and going between empires (between TR and VS) for zerg.
    It is NC who is actually receiving attacks from the two empires. The victory percentage is only 21.9%.
  15. Kdog559

    My argument would be to compare alert winnings rather than just comparing one simple event that happened when it has happened to every faction already and it does happen, But not every single day. That could of been a continent that was trying to be ghost capped when the real fights were on another continent.
  16. Blam320

    Clearly you've never seen it when TR and NC have an alliance and only fight the VS.

    Soulfact says "go after HIVES" when we're getting warpgated, Wildcards just zerg one faction at a time and never split their platoons up to cover multiple fronts, and FPSKorea doesn't show up until the tail end.
  17. pnkdth

    Anyone can take a random screen shot and post it was "evidence."

    I mean, take a closer look at the population. TR is severely underpopulated and when you look at where TR and VS have reached a stalemate it is at a Bio Lab and the Bastion. Both bases the zerg avoid like the plague because those multi-point bases takes time and effort(not exactly something the zerg is particularly fond of). So, predictably, the VS and TR pop went for the easy base captures.

    Indeed, it isn't even an alert going on either... Which usually means everyone is more concerned about finding a fight.

    Also since when did TR struggle on Miller? I guess you "missed" that whole TR having 50% server pop and generally having been the faction on Miller with the healthiest population overall. It is only somewhat recently NC, for some weird reason, have started to have a higher pop.

    Seriously, what's up with everyone rushing in to be the victim lately?
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  18. Drascalicus

    What world do you live in. I have only enjoyed 2 wins in the entire time since the update, and I am not counting off-continent caps, of which I have never been a part of.
  19. DemonicTreerat

    Exactly. This is just a TR crying about getting done to him as he did unto others. Usually its TR's Asian zerg rushing down one NC lattice, VS's down another, and the NC struggling just to hold on to what it has while their Asian zerg goes to play at a biolab. This looks like one of those rare cases where the majority of the TR population didn't show up until the end if at all, the VS zerg got tunnel vision on the TR to the point they ignored the "fight the NC!" orders from on high, and the NC said "screw you TR, you done pissed us off, time to learn what it feels like to get tag teamed".

    Something the TR and VS on Connery (and Emerald - haven't tried the other servers) seem to forget. They've been double-teaming the NC and win trading for so long that a lot of the NC stopped caring about winning if it didn't seem practical. But we've also learned that we can **** whoever pissed us off more that day ten ways to Sunday so that they don't have a chance of winning an alert if we throw everything at them.

    Something attributed to the Japanese admiral who organized the attack on Pearl Harbor comes to mind. "I'm afraid we have awoken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."