Planetside 2 Musical Montage: Just For Fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The Rogue Wolf, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. The Rogue Wolf

    Y'know, sometimes we all get invested in rivalries and perceived slights and buffs and nerfs and indulge in negativity a bit more than we should. Even I'm guilty of that! And it's important to remember why we play this game, why we play games at all: Just for fun.

    So here's a peppy little musical montage to help get us back a little closer to that mindset. Enjoy!

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  2. Sazukata

    Puppet, huh? Someone's got good taste in music.
  3. Nintyuk

    Aww man, after coming off watching the Music Meister episode of batman brave and the bold I was hoping for more campy singing.