Cant log in

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Krastis, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. Krastis

    Ever since the patch the launcher tells me error cant patch to soe how can i fix this.
  2. Towie

    What is the exact error ?

    The Launcher should detect that an update is required and start the updating, but there has been a problem (like forever) with the Launcher exiting at random points before the update completed.

    Usually just restarting the Launcher, potentially several times, will get you there in the end but I had a problem last night with a locked file (one of the asset files). It was locked because the Lancher thread was still running in the background even though it looked like it had exited - so I had to kill that before trying again.
  3. Krastis

    it says unable to write to C:/users/public/sony online entertainment/installedgames/planetside2_x64.exe-
    the file may be in use or you may lack the necessary permissions to install
  4. Towie

    Sounds like it wants to update the main game executable but can't so you need to check:

    1. Already running ? (open task manager - if you see planetside2_x64.exe - kill it. Or just reboot and try the launcher again.

    2. Lack permissions ? Unlikely as it is in the public folder, but you could always try running the launcher as administrator
  5. ObiVanuKenobi

    Restart your computer. Not joking.

    Or open task manager and close the stuck Planetside process.
  6. Krastis

    I have already shut down my computer and started it again twice and I just checked task manager and it doesn't show planetside 2 any where
  7. Loud Demon Jaysus

    i had a similar issue i had to run a full scan on the patcher and it made me dl like 500mb then i was able to log on
  8. ObiVanuKenobi

    Weird, helped my friend with the exact same error.
    Only other thing i can think of right now is right click the launcher and click "run as administrator", that should solve the problem if it's a permission issue.
  9. Towie

    Hmm strange - so after a reboot, that are the steps to get to the error ? Just by starting the PS2 Launchpad ? Does it try to download files as soon as you start it up ?

    You could always open windows explorer, go to the exe file location and check its properties (it should not be read-only).

    If you try to rename or delete it - what happens ? Probably a rename first, then run the launcher.