[Vehicle] First Impressions of New Fury-F and Flash vs. Vehicle Combat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. Tycoh

    For those who use the Flash as a combat vehicle, what do you think of the new rendition of the Fury-F? How well are you fairing now compared to before when fighting vehicles with your flash?
  2. Liewec123

    its a monster once again :D
    i'd tried it plenty on the PTS and couldn't wait for it to hit live, it'll be swiftly nerfed though i expect,
    its got infantry splash again so its a pretty damn good AI weapon once more,
    and rear shots deal a hell of a lot of damage to tanks.
  3. LtBomber1

    Sounds fair for a vehicle that is now One-shotted by everything, has cloaking bug and exposure time.
  4. ObiVanuKenobi

    Well... 50 extra splash damage is nothing considering the fact that infantry has 1000 effective health and it lost 190 direct damage, it's almost the same, maybe even worse because of huge direct damage loss. Definitely nowhere near pre-nerf Fury. Could be usable against vehicles after resistance changes, have to try it.
  5. Okaydan

    I'm not a resistance expert, but isn't the listen damage true damage now? Sunderers have 4000HP, Fury deals 100/shot, meaning 40 shots = 5 mags to kill? I hope I'm wrong because that seems excessive (although I will farm Fury ASAP)!
  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    % resists still exist but there aren't so many of them anymore. For example Fury had its own resist type but now it's in "light anti-vehicle" type.

    I played around with a Fury cloak flash for a couple hours and it doesn't seem that great, cloak spot bug got me killed multiple times. The new flak armor makes you do 0 damage. I did manage to 1v1 a Lightning but he wasn't very good. You can kill vehicles if they're distracted and fighting someone else. Overall Flash does seem to do more damage to vehicles now and killing tanks with it can be pretty fun.
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  7. LordKrelas

    It costs the same as a grenade.

    It shouldn't be all that much better in the durability department, since it's an ATV for the price of a grenade.
    Why it has a shotgun & cloak is another question.
  8. Liewec123

    resist types change things massively, one weapon can go from 500 to 300 but change resist type and still do similar dmg,
    also that 50min dmg is a HUGE deal.
    if you're shooting at a dude and the min dmg is 1 the you are going to be dealing weak dmg, but if the min dmg is 50 the every-shot will deal atleast that instead of 1...
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