UNACCEPTABLE! M1 Hvy Cycler is 110% inferior to T2 Mutilator. FIX IT!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CapEnTrade, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. CapEnTrade

    The design philosophy of Planetside 2 has been that; "No weapon is downright superior, everything is a side-grade you choose to best fit your play-style." I'm not the one saying it, the devs are the ones saying and have said it many times.

    -The Problem-
    Odd, since this is not always the case. Most of the time it's a small edge one weapon might have against another in its class, but rarely is it actually downright superior, especially and obscenely in the case of the M1 Heavy Cycler (default) and the T2 Mutilator. For those unaware, here are the full statistics.

    The difference we care about (and the only differences in fact) are that the Mutilator has;
    • 500 Velocity as opposed to T1's 450.
    • 100/800 Ammunition as opposed to T1's 60/480.
    • 150 Ammunition with the extended mag as opposed to the T1's 90.
    • 650 cert cost as opposed to the T1's 1000.
    • 499 DBC cost as opposed to the T1's 699.
    • BUT WAIT! The T1 Cycler receives a generous 0.4 second reduction in long reload time! That's right folks, a whole 0.4 seconds for all of those downsides! This amazing time saver will benefit you about every 10th max you pull, maybe! Who needs and extra 40-60 rounds and hundreds more to spare!? It's not like that's downright better than SAVING TIME when you EMPTY ALL THE ROUNDS! :0
    Pathetic, terrible design here. In fact the T1 Cycler is literally the worst of the TR's weapons for the max hands down. This is not objective, this is solid fact. The extra HUNDREDS of ammunition alone in the M2 Mutilator is enough to call this one, even if it cost 2000 certs each. Further, you're getting much less for your certs with a T1 not only because of that, but because the extended mag yields 20 less rounds as well.
    -This hurts new and inexperienced players-
    You're handicapping new players with this lame weapon which is objectively very bad overall, even when comparing it to the other fractions. Some of you are aware that the other fractions suffer very similar problems with their default weapons, though not quite egregiously as the TR.
    To many players, more expensive weapons means better weapons. This does not reflect reality and we know this, but they don't. I've seen players make this mistake far too often. It's actually a problem that the devs have acknowledged. We veterans know all too well how this misleading is damaging to the mentalities and cert balance of new and inexperienced players. This is particularly a problem here since the T1 is absolutely completely and utterly inferior to the cheaper and much better M2.
    I have seen people walking around with two T1's strapped ignorantly to their arms. I saw three of them today even, and I know they're not medal grinding because their battle ranks were all sub 40s. They're literally handicapping themselves. We all know how it is, you have one gun for a max and you want the matching one. But what many of these people fail to realize is that it's inferior and you can get both Mutilators for only a little bit more than the extra T1.

    Its deceptive pricing is either the result of purpose of complete incompetent oversight. As I covered, it costs 699 DBC, 200 more than the Mutilator. You're getting much less for more money and Daybreak stands to profit from the ignorant. This is by definition a scam.

    Daybreak is committing either criminal (in the extrapolated sense this is morally wrong and stupid) or they've incompetently overlooked the most basic of balance issues. Neither reflect well on the company.
    The M1 needs to be buffed so that it has some advantages. Perhaps make it a bit more accurate and make both reloads a second shorter. Also the velocity needs to be the same or more, that's downright wrong how they have it now.
  2. Sazukata

    I just checked in-game, and you're right. The Mutilator is a straight upgrade.

    Every faction is supposed to have a "high capacity" AI gun that trades accuracy for increased mag size and ammo reserves. VS's had increased velocity, while NC's was reduced for some reason. But TR's does not have reduced accuracy according to the in-game info. It's possible that it's just a display innacuracy, but could very well be a genuine oversight.

    Nonetheless, you're being a little dramatic for someone who calls others "snowflake". :p
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  3. CapEnTrade

    My style is sharp and I do it this way because it's more interesting to make and read.
  4. Ziggurat8

    How can this be?

    The Quasar and the Cosmos have the same relationship as the M1/M2 yet the Cosmos, which has the larger ammo capacity, is less accurate with a 10.5% larger starting COF.

    They should change the accuracy stats to match the Quasar/Cosmos. The M2 should be the less accurate weapon.
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    Okey they will Nerf the Heavy Cycler just for you ;)
  6. Liewec123

    its the same for all factions, grinder is a straight upgrade to scattercannon, cosmos is a straight upgrade to quasar.

    imho they should remove the option to purchase the other cycler/scattercannon/quasar.
    no need for buffs or nerfs, just don't let people buy the offhand cycler/scattercannon/quasar.
  7. FateJH

    I don't know what problem it is you think this is solving.
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  8. Kristan

    He's actually right. Dual Cycler has no purpose over Mutilator, except for beginner substitution, that you need to buy only one gun instead of two.
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  9. Yessme

    The big prob in this game is the ns weapon System.
    for getting NS Arsenal stronger.they chanced many guns.

    the VS weapons system has gotten the most off.
    SVA, luw much had to lose for NS weapons.
    so for example, MS-m2 is stronger.
    so to speak, one has the accuracy taken the VS and given the NS weapons.

    for Balance, they chanced many weapons each fraction.
    the Point of this guns, was in start of that game, the ADAD Speed, mostly same stats, but 1 weapong got better movement.
    but this they chanced for NS weapon. NS weapon, now the only with 0.5 ADAD, all other got now 0,75.
    Time ago, the Weapong, with low ammo, and low rdm, got high ADAD. the other, with same stats butt littel big higher RDM and ammo, got lower ADAD.
  10. Ziggurat8

    I prefer quasars over cosmos personally.

    10.5% COF may seem trivial but when using one over the other I generally perform better with 2x quasars. 2.1s reload is fast enough the bigger magazine Cosmos has only come into play during extremely target rich environments. Usually then it's not ammo I need more of but HP.

    I tend to burst fire 6 rounds or so. The 2-4 xtra bullets worth of COF quasar gets is pretty significant.
  11. RockPlanetSide2

    I like the OPs style, it annoys little forum brats... I salute you.

    However; pretty sure crap weapons in a half dead game, are not going to warrant Dev attention or an FBI investigation... go away.
  12. 1Tap2Tap

    If you get enjoyment out of others being "annoyed", doesn´t that make you a "little (forum) brat"?

    Time to look into a mirror, buddy.
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  13. Liewec123

    the problem is that for all 3 factions the large ammo gun is a strasight upgrade, yet DBG still sell the default AI gun,
    remove the standard gun from the shop and there is no more issue.
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  14. LordKrelas

    Hell, replace the inferior gun with the literal upgrade while at it.
    As why not.
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  15. TR5L4Y3R

    it make´s me want to put you on a ignorelist
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  16. TR5L4Y3R

    or add an actual accuracy/velocity/dmgbuff to it over the highcapacityweapon or nerf the latter respectively?
    .. removing it will cause those who invested into the second arm just to not get their certz back .. you know they won´t ...