Why do you hate Hossin?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Jul 26, 2017.


    Lag, lack of vehicle usage, bottlenecks.
  2. The Rogue Wolf

    This is why I keep laughing at all the requests for weather effects. Why? So you can complain about how it makes it hard to see and turn it off?

    People hate difficulty. They want clear bright skies and open firing lanes and whine if they have to exercise anything aside from twitch reflexes.
  3. Demigan

    Amerish still offers a lot of landscape to move through, side-paths and the option to move through the hills. Many area's in Hossin don't have that, except around the large facilities and even there it's limited. In Hossin you'll rarely ever be able to get more than 50m to 100m offroad to approach the next base.
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  4. Fraecker

    I like hossin.
    Main reason: the big teams did not like to play there, cause, A-Point drops are not so easy. So we have more small and medium fights. And if big teams are there, other big teams can drop around in the hills, thats not possible on the other continents.

    Its a good place for light assault attacking vehicles, or spy to hide. And those f.... liberators cant do much on hossin, so you have better infantry only fights.

    I did not understand why infantry playing people did not want to play there.
  5. The Shady Engineer

    Hossin has the advantage of being the only continent out of the 4 that was built from the ground up with lattice in mind. Hossin lattice is the most well done and least chokepoint-y (looking at you 24/7 Mani bio/Snowshear tower Esamir).

    Hossin is also great because a lot of it's bases are really easy to defend. So many bases on Hossin either have difficult terrain, gate shields or are elevated off the ground entirely. In other words, not as easy to just roll up with a vehicle zerg which is why I think there are rarely full blown hellzergs of the type you see on Indar when fighting on Hossin.

    The downsides have pretty much been mentioned already. It's not very ground vehicle friendly as there are few flanking routes and most times there are at most 2 roads at most to take from base to base. There are folks who say it hurts performance. Haven't encountered it personally but mileage may vary. Lastly, and the biggest reason I think for why people don't like Hossin, is because no one plays on Hossin.

    Nobody plays on Hossin- Nobody goes to Hossin since no one plays on Hossin- Even less people on Hossin.

    Circular logic that hurt the continent a lot. Definitely gonna change now that a lot of times we have just one continent open. :D
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  6. Ziggurat8

    All the hate for Hossin vehicles is left over from pre-update Hossin. There's lots and lots of open swamp areas that since they changed how foliage works makes getting around pretty good. Plus there's lots of back alleys and secret passages too but since people don't play on Hossin much or at all they haven't found them and think the road is the only way to get to a base. I found a hidden, probably unintended route the other day that put me on a hill directly over the bases spawn room we were attacking. This was with a sunderer. It was awesome.

    People don't play on Hossin. That's why no one goes there. Spend 30 -90 minutes with the biggest fight being a 4 on 4 and people get bored and say "I hate Hossin".

    The A2G farming has gotten a lot better too since the nerf to thermal vision. It's much much easier to hide from and avoid air, though they still have a ton of cover to hide behind, it makes a2a combat a bit more relevant.

    People hated Hossin for all the reasons they stated above. Most of the issues have been addressed in some form or another. Ultimately changing a first impression is very very hard. I suspect after a couple weeks of being forced to fight on Hossin a lot of people's opinions will change.

    The biggest factor for Hossin right now is simply "no one goes there".

    It's really not how you remember it. If you haven't given it a chance in the last 6 months or so.
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  7. LtBomber

    I checked out Hossin, improved, but still not good:

    Still tunneling vehicles
    Still 300m run to point
    Still depressive green
    Still fog (render range, i play at ultra, jet leaf looks strange)
    Still vehicle pads in painfields
    Still water areas
    Still a feeling of each base has some **** to deal with: Point behind a shield gen, toxic water, treehouse fight, search that point for 1 min...
    Still hard to know if you can pass that green or will be blocked, also for aircrafts
    Still ugly, unnecessary mountains, just for performance
    And still no one plays on Hossin...
  8. Exitus Acta Probat

    I actually love Hossin, its by far my favorite map.

    I hate Indar
  9. MonnyMoony

    My biggest beefs with Hossin:

    1. Load time
    2. Travelling as non LA class can be a pain in the ***. Yes Hossin is probably geared more towards LA due to the high trees etc - but do they really need to hinder non LA classes as much as they do. Slow them down fine, that still gives LA the advantage, but don't block paths completely.
    3. Too much clutter to effectively counter air. Trying to get a lock with a lockon launcher on Hossin is very difficult. Air farmers are a PITA on the other continents - doubly so on Hossin.
  10. 1Tap2Tap

    Yup. You nailed it.