What Ever Happened To These?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cookie5000, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. PGxTeaLeaf

  2. Cookie5000

    Well damn thats a bummer
  3. Pauly D

    Remember orbital strikes and heavy battle tanks? What about caverns, and the 4th alien faction?
  4. Cookie5000

    Do I dare revive this forum.....?

    Bump :)
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  5. Niv

    Im just going to leave it here: The Hyperion

    Also reading this post made me so sad, so much great plans that no info about what happened to them.
    Damn i want to fight OP alian invasion once a week event :D
  6. Cookie5000

    Wow those crusiers look amazing
  7. Tankalishious

  8. Niv

    Ye the Hyperion model is in the game files but its still didnt got the final touch, those guys just use the model on their client mode, but still wondering where did it go o_O
  9. Chubzdoomer

    The lack of empire-specific vehicles and weapons in recent years has been a huge bummer. I love the different aesthetics that NC, TR, and VS have to offer... it just seems like such a huge waste not to capitalize on them.
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  10. Cookie5000

    For that reason I never use NS weapons, I despise them. But the devs keep em comin. @_@
  11. TR5L4Y3R

    Two words:

  12. Whiteagle

    Well it could work, but you'd have to hit that sweet spot right between the Harasser and Sunderer...
    I'm thinking Harasser-level maneuverability and greater durability, but only two-three small machine gun turrets for self-defense.

    You and me both brother, for pretty much the same reasons.
    The best way I think to do this would be testing to see if the current Teleporter System couldn't be upscaled to despawn vehicles as well as infantry entering one specified region (First the Warpgate's central Light Column, then perhaps the Continental Boundries if it works well enough), then respawning them at another.

    Well first they have to get the Warpgates functioning, no point in having more land if we can't properly move between what we've got, but I'm thinking one of the easiest ways to expand the number of Continents to accommodate a true Intercontinental Lattice now that we have the Construction System would be "Barren" Continents for Player Made Bases.

    Basically, they're be some Control Consoles scattered around a Lattice Link, but other than them and maybe some Natural Terrain Features, everything is Player Constructed.

    Another good reason for hammering out region-based Infantry and Vehicle Intercontinental Transfers; Getting that and working Water Mechanics down, and we're only a few Major Updates away from Oceanic Maps and Naval Combat!

    Glad you did, since it gave me a good thread to hammer this stuff out on.
    Aerial Carriers should not have Pitch or Yaw...
    Well again, we've only got so much terrain to travel over.
    Other than an ES Heavy Buggy and Aerial Flash Equivalent, we're not going to have much need for anything else until we get an Intercontinental Transfer Boundaries and Oceanic Maps.