Make C4 exclusive to Engineers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Weylin

    When you remove the C4 from Heavy, Light, and Medic:
    Give Heavy Assault overall more rocket ammo and better reload times.
    Give the Light Assault higher AV damage with the rocklet rifle, especially against air.
    Give the Combat Medic a 1-shot "bio scanner" that highlights infantry through walls briefly.
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  2. Anteep

  3. DeadlyOmen

    Stay away from C4, and you won't die to it.
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  4. Weylin

    Oh, personally I bring it to the enemy on drifter jets from a fully stealthed full altitude valkyrie.
    I think I got more kills in 10 minutes than 12 hours of normal gun play. Huh.
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  5. LordKrelas

    Second time, I've seen this idiocy.

    C-4 is barely able to be used as it is, for the job.
    What use is it on an Engineer when they have much more effective tools they can reliably use in the same slot.
    LA's with C-4 is one of the few reasons a tank bothers to be careful near infantry.

    Rocklet rifle is comic.
    Rocket Launchers expose you to the enemy cannon fire less than C-4.

    Like you made me agree with DeadlyComic ffs...

    That's the enemy's fault, and Your intelligence for using C-4 in a clever way.
    All it takes is a little radar, spit-fire, EUD etc..

    If you can't get as many kills as you do flying over on drifter jets on a nanite-costing explosive that is easily gone astray..
    You simply suck with a gun.
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  6. FateJH

    So, to which class should we make Medkits exclusive?
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  7. Pat22

    I vote Light assaults since they are pretty much obligated to separate themselves from medics to play effectively.

    You could say the same for infiltrators but with their superior arsenal for ranged combat, combined with recon and stealth, infils have a far better time staying out of harm's way.
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  8. Anteep

  9. LordKrelas

    One problem; Medics are the ones who'd get the least use out of medkits given they usually have area-heal that affects themselves.
    So I can't tell if that's a joke or not.
  10. LodeTria

    Obviously heavys, they certainly need all the advantages they can get!!

    The only vehicle that needs more C4 resistance is the sunderer, for pretty obvious reasons. Tank mines too.
  11. Weylin

    Ohh yes, I'd definitely say that Light Assault should get the Medkits exclusively as part of having C4 taken away, since their mobility tends to take them completely out of reach of medic support.

    As I see it, LA is the ONLY class even worth unlocking C4 for, but placed explosives is more of an Engineer thing.
    The fact that I can pull a LA and drop from the air has kept me from unlocking C4 for the Engineer, because... why?
    C4 has a use in setting traps or quickly dealing with base structures, but right now they're used like those cartoonish black round bombs, just dropped from the air onto unsuspecting victims and immediately detonated.

    And yes, the Rocklet rifle is a goddamn joke, hence why I suggested buffing it, especially against AV Air.
    Imagine, actually having a class that can counter air by default.
  12. LordKrelas

    Explosives aren't an Engineer thing.
    Defensive fortification sure, Explosives no.
    As well, You literally say it yourself; Only class where C-4 is worth unlocking is Light Assault.

    As only LA can get the explosive onto the bloody targets.
    C-4 isn't a grand booby-trap for Engineers ; You have better tools than a manually detonated brick of C-4.

    As well, C-4 isn't very useful in structure demolishing compared to... Your AV turret.
    If you can place C-4 on a building as an Engineer, a Free AV turret is more effective than several bars of C-4.

    You aren't ever going to get LA's able to counter aircraft with the rocklet rifle - For one, infantry are squishy, for two they are free.
    It sounds insane, is Free (which is downfall if geared towards Aircraft), and if C-4 is removed, you want the rocklet after tanks not aircraft.

    C-4 is only able to be used reliably (since it's bat-**** dangerous to use usually) by Light Assaults.
    Engineers have better tools to use - Like bloody tank mines & AP mines.
    Which are in the same slot - aka your idea forsakes C-4 to the abyss basically.