VS ZEALOT armour 4/5 completed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dokukai, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. dokukai

    Again, for those who don't frequent r/Planetside. I post regular updates there, for those interested.

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  2. Tankalishious

    Is it

    Looks good!
  3. dokukai

    Last is engineer. Infiltrator not done yet.
  4. Tankalishious

    Ah, saw the antenna and thought it was a recon pack on the back :)
    Keep up the good work!
  5. pnkdth

    Really impressive work. Aligns with the design of the magrider/scythe which makes it look even better. In other words, you really nailed it. I'm not one to buy cosmetics but I might have to in this case cause these designs have succeeded in making VS look bada**.
  6. Pikachu

    I wonder how long it takes to make one.
  7. UberNoob1337101

    Holy ****, VS will actually look cool now.
  8. Ziggurat8

    Wow. I can't wait to see how it looks with black camouflage. I hate early reveals cause now I'm going to have to play the game without this bad *** armor and that's just depressing.

    Hurry! Hurry!
  9. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    The robes the medic is wearing look sorta gay
    *edit* oh they all have robes hanging off them, not for me but thanks
  10. Kristan

    Default tight аss spandex is a-ok, but robes are suddenly gay. Logic.
  11. Kristan

    Wait... is that Portal boots on LA? :D
  12. Ziggurat8

    Not robes so much as a shawl or a sash or a stole. They are zealots and the Vanu Sovereign is sort of like a religious cult so it kind of fits. Since lots of religious sects incorporate sashes/stoles and shawls into their ceremonial wardrobes.
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  13. Pat22

    Now THAT is a nice looking jetpack.

    The fairy wings just didn't do it for me.
  14. Liewec123

    my bank account is ready!
    as with AVA and Nomad i'll be buying zealots as soon as possible :D

    will you be making any max armours doku? :eek:
  15. dokukai

    Maybe one day, problem is they are just not profitable enough for the time it takes.
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  16. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    I don't wear spandex
  17. TR5L4Y3R

    .... .... dayum !!!!
  18. Morpholine

    Ah, a cross-post from reddit.

    For a second I was worried you had dumped a ton of certs into ZOE.
  19. tamashiiken

    Wow, I don't play VS, but that armour looks great!!
  20. stalkish

    Does it have to be named Zealot?
    We already have ZOE, could an original name not be coined as to avoid confusion?