Engineer turret should protect from head shots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. CutieG

    I could live with the turret if it wasn't a requirement for the engineer directive.

    Because the turret itself is a ******* piece of ****. PS2 is a game of movement. The moment you stop moving, you get stabbed by a Navy Seal cosplayer, hit by two frags and an EMP, headshot by a BR120 sniper, blasted by a shotgunning Light Assault, hit by a Prowler set up three hexes away, hit by a a Heavy firing a rocket from a wraith flash that's also firing its fury, and get roadkilled by a harrasser. And that's without friendly fire.
    The idea of being placed inside of a stationary turret, while completely exposed to headshots, is completely ridiculous.
    You flat-out cannot use the turret in most fights. Period. Unlimited ammunition is completely ******* meaningless, because you will never get your heat bar fuller than a third if you play in a way that doesn't make the turret a death trap. You constantly have to get in and out, with an obnoxious delay, to run from the twenty guys firing grenades into the room and the four snipers who've smelled a turret.
    It also prevents you from filling out any of your support roles, like repairing Maxes, placing ammo boxes and making traps with your mines, as well as actually killing enemies. When you get into the turret, you aren't just shutting down your movement options, you are also losing initiative. You lose initiative, in a game known as "Clientside". Initiative is the last thing that you want to lose, because you are guaranteed to die to anyone with halfway decent aim (the turret isn't all that fast at killing people) and you also contribute less thanks to not actively hunting the enemies around your current location. You can't even lay down suppressive fire because you cannot strafe or hug a wall. I regularly do suppressive fire with my Heavy's massive magazine, but a turret wouldn't even fit into the locations where it's appropriate to do that from.
    A ******* partycracker would be a better killing tool than the turret. At least it could serve as a tertiary weapon for when both your primary weapon and sidearm have been depleted.
    • Up x 1
  2. King_Shano

    I've been taking a break from planetside but I had to come back and chime in on this.
    Scroll down to about 250 then keep going down( On my phone so can't do anything cleaner)
    Decently done in a wide open area, all kills are on the rock bridge to or from the crown, was working on my directive.
    The AI turret seems ok to me?
  3. CutieG

    Good job, you found the only location where the turret can be situationally useful! And you did it on the platform where snipers are inherently gimped and people are mechanically inhibited from rounding corners properly!
    I bet you set your turret up behind a rock and shot anyone who ran by.
    Now do the same thing on PC. Preferably on one of the European servers, as the American ones seem to have a high density of clueless lemmings.
  4. Zagareth

    From the view of a sniper, I can only tell that turret engies are one of the easiest to kill targets in the game only rivaled by other sitting duck snipers.
    When I see an engie trying get a spot for his turret, I only wait until he is done and positioned - a little fingertip and its done with him. Even good to humiliate from behind with a knife, because all he can do, when he hears the decloak sound is to step back from the turret in my knife.
    Engie turrets like in PS1 - in all direction rotating seat with a gun mounted, protected from all directions with a shield, that protects against small arms for a little while and 1-2 impacts of tank shells. But that couldnt be easily disabled by a sniper from miles away.
    If unprotected by spitfires or mines, it could be hacked by infiltrators.

    THATS a turret that is worth to build up and manned (even from everyone, not only the engie who placed it)
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  5. LordKrelas

    Indoors, behind rocks, anywhere there is cover, and yes you can be flanked - As can everyone.
    Snipers have the same issue really, but can't go indoors.
  6. Courtnie

    Its not that the turret has a problem its just that PS2 has an infiltrator problem. Its probably the most spammed class with the most robust weapons (From close range smgs and hard hitting pistols combined with stealth to almost render range long shots from sniper rifles). You shouldnt be completely protected from fire (in a video game fps) but at this moment the main thing making turrets obsolete are infiltrators. Infiltrators shut down too many things in this game currently. Hell they had to nerf emp grenades since they did WAY too much in the game.

    Turrets are fine as the design is concerned. The issue is that there is a class that shuts down not only that but a lot of other things as well. They are used far too much, more than any other class in the game (they even beat heavies). They need to find a way to regulate infiltrators so they arent hindering the infantry game as much as they are. I would suggest putting a nanite cost of at least 200 on a sniper rifle and 150 on an smg. Stalker should also cost nanites to switch to as well and should cost on every respawn.
    That in itself will allow the infantry game have a bit more use for the turret and other things and not have one class single handedly shut down an entire field. If you say thats what infiltrators are supposed to do then you are wrong. The word infiltrate is even in their names but i see nothing but snipers on the enemy lines sniping and nothing else. Its piss poor battle flow and you all know it. No one wants to ******* deal with 10-20 people sniping at anything that wants to remotely push up. No one wants to deal with tank spam either (which was made even worse with the last update, thanks down syndromes). Its like daybreak needs to be told how to do this when they are the only people in the world with this kind of game.

    So its not that turrets are ****, its that there is a single re-tarded class shutting down more than it should. Turrets are fine.
  7. LordKrelas

    Snipers the problem, not the people sitting in turrets out in the open knowing snipers will kill the defensive turrets from killing their allies?

    The further the distance, the less angles, said sniper can reach, use, or find on defensive turrets out in the ******* open.
    Most robust?

    Obsolete due to snipers? I'll head-shot the engineer off with a pistol on a heavy, if that makes you feel your turret exposed to sniper fire, isn't just a moronic placement due to snipers.

    Regulate the class with the smallest health pool, accuracy dependent weaponry....
    So that people sitting in machine-gun turrets, do not have to care about putting their head in the open towards massive sight-lines of sniper positions.
    In this game, you do not stand still in the open - Unless engineer, then it's the fault of the Sniper.

    200 nanites on a sniper rifle, which must be used at a distance... and at that point, wouldn't care about the nanite cost given the time it takes to get in position, take a shot, and leave that position.
    150 nanites to use a close ranged small-machine-gun (SMG), which is used also by Heavies with an Overshield.

    If a single infil can dominate a field - Your entire infantry, vehicle, and aircraft group would be slaughtered by anyone intelligent in a tank.

    Infiltration: Includes sniping, taking out key targets, and causing disruption;
    How the **** do you expect to cause disruption without a SMG or Sniper rifle, with the lowest health?

    Yes, the ******* are the ones killing idiots sitting in Turrets in the open, in a game of head-shots, not the idiots in the turrets.
    You know, which can be done with every single gun in this game..

    Do not deploy your turret, and stand in it, in the line of sight of sniper fire.
    Same logic as do not stand in the open, as infantry - You will die to something damn fast.
    Same logic as do not stand still without cover, towards enemy fire - you will die.

    What allows a Sniper to kill an Engineer on a turret?
    Them standing still, at the right angle, again & again, in the restricted line of fire of a sniper rifle, usually in an open field or cliff.