What do I do with all this salt

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Weylin

    I need a place to go where I can avoid PvP combat and just offload the 5 tons of salt I'm carrying around from the main game.

    Most of you probably wont understand because you have a KDR of 1 or higher or a mindset that leaves you with not a care in the world, but when you've been stuck on a KDR of 0.5 at best since this game launched and you earn at most 60 certs a day, you'd probably get frustrated or quit again for 2 years too.

    VR is kinda nice, just repeatedly crashing a galaxy through 30 infantry on the ground makes me feel a lil better.
  2. Sazukata

    Cortium mining is there, but I find it incredibly boring.

    And single player games are still a thing... I too periodically get burned out from competition and need somewhere to relax.
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  3. LaughingDead

    Find groups, there are streamers that are willing to help with it, try an outfit thats high on comms
  4. Tankalishious

    What server are you on?

    And 60 certs a day? That's 30 mins of work.... can it be that bad?
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  5. Campagne

    I dunno, I usually end a session with a KDR of ~2.0ish, and I'm usually so pissed off and salty that I'd need another kidney dialysis. :p

    Usually though I just play another game for a few days.
  6. CaptCran

    I salt my driveway 3 x over​ in the winter time. Still find it relaxing when I bust out stalker to get my knife kills.
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    i get about 20 to 30 (if in alert with 30% xp bonus) certs farming a 35k cortium note in less than ten minutes ..
    when it comes to laticebaseplay i just care bout having fun than certfarming
    if you are salty and want to stick with the game go vr and just test stuff otherwise realy play something less stressinduesing or just log off do something else may be even get out to get your head clear ...
  8. DeadlyOmen

    Go on the forums and start picking on some random weapon/faction.
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  9. T.A.94

    players salt is best salt to use on your fries

    Hvy mains as well as "elite" pilots can confirm it increases your general enjoyment

    Eventually leads to:
    -toxic behaviour
    -beeing killed by 4th faction trusted companion
    -beeing ganked by multiple salt dispenser resulting into overdose and guaranteed death

    By sideeffects please contact the next medic on the battle field

  10. IcEzEbRa

    Crusty salt can cause chafing, best loosened in armor by the body contractions of laughter. My buddy and I, for kicks, did no HUD stalker run to first base from enemies WG....pulled stealth Sundy, got locks on air vehicles leaving WG...never fired anything, even though we never fired, lol, saw at least 2 esf's just crash because of the Locks. As my friend said, laughing at different pilots reactions, this is kinda relaxing. Bout an hour or so, was just fun, never died...laughed a lot.
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  11. Ziggurat8

    This. I play VS on a server that can't get 27% pop on its best day. After losing a 3/1 battle and feeling like I have to take on the TR and NC single handedly I log out and play single player. Where it is me versus the entire world but I'm so crazy overpowered I can. I feel better then.

    If your KDR sucks and you want to get better it's not hard, not really. First, are you getting 30-40fps in most battles? If you're not there isn't much you can do (PS4 is best, nothing to tweak, just solid frame rate unless there's a million characters exploding on screen).

    If your frame rate is a solid 30fps at all times then it's time to start learning what works. Even on my most off day I pull a 2.0 KDR.

    It's all in how you play and the most important lesson I can give you is this:


    It's simple but powerful. Choose battles you can win or at least make a difference. It's easy in this game with very short respawn times to just run into unwinnable situations because you hope to maybe almost kill someone before you die. Avoid that mentality and your KDR will go up.
  12. breeje

    if i get salted, i jump in my harasser with marauder/mjolnir/aphelion
    or my battle ant with kobalt and radar
    all farm weapons who are not nerfed and fun to use
    the nerf will come soon now, as soon as a dev reads this
  13. Corporate Thug

    OMG, the salt! I too am very salty. I don't even do too bad when I play but the amount of clientside, super unbalanced fights where people want to shoot me in a barrel, super strafing, almost teleporting people, and other crazy things that go on in this game kill my sportsman like spirit. I swear I hate this game, except, I can't stop playing it.

    I know when the game runs smoothly, which it rarely does for me anymore, I can average at least a 4 k/d with any class that I play, but more often than not, I end up playing a stutter, lag fested version of PS2, where everyone has a bead on my head, everyone's reflexes are insane, and everyone takes entirely too long to die.

    Somehow, the other day when I was messing with my settings, my game somehow fixed itself slightly for a short time. In the past I would have issues with unloading lots of bullets and people not taking much damage, but after my graphics settings visibly changing though they should have been the same, people died MUCH faster than they did all the next couple of days. It was like I wasn't shooting magazines halfway filled with blanks any longer. Unfortunately, the effect is gone and back to taking forever and a day to kill people and feeling as if my packets are being shot down by the enemy when they're firing at me.

    P.S. This game really sucks, sadly it's really good too.
  14. Sil4ntChaozz