What was your worse NooB experience!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scifi, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    It was a couple of days ago (Saturday or Sunday) on Esamir on one of the EU servers - can't remember which as I have avatars on both
  2. Kristan

    The random Lib gunner I have picked up decides to neglect Zepher and shoots Hyenas at ground targets cuz "omg rockets are totes cooler!"

    I play Stalker mostly (if it wouldn't be bugged after the update i would still) so i go often to the enemy sunderer...and always...really ALLWAYS there is this one BR 3 Heavy Assault from my faction killing me with a rocket launcher.
  4. Demigan

    Same for me, I often throw an ammo pack at the vehicle terminal and accidentally hit both F and G...
    4 kills in one go and a whole lot of angry people thinking I did it on purpose.
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  5. Eternaloptimist

    One noob thing I've done in a frantic fight..............go to heal someone and forget I'm still holding the AR. I've rezzed them afterwards and PM'd an apology but they have been a wee bit salty once or twice.

    Done the same with engie repairing Max but they don't die.
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  6. Lord_Avatar

    I keep throwing ammo packs at my enemies, especially during 1v1s...
  7. The Red One

    When I was a noob a got a quad kill with an engineer turret, only 3/4 kills were teammates.
    As for a n00b encounter, I was in a small fight, running around and a cloaked br7 NC infiltrator yells "ENEMY MEDIC SPOTTED", allowing me to whip out my darklight and shoot him
  8. Morpholine

    That HA to Engineer transition gets you killed a lot.
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  9. Lord_Avatar

    Deffo... Also, I main CM, which *also* happens to have a key utility under "F".