[Suggestion] Ability to lean/peek around the corners

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mightykitten, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Mightykitten

    as the title says

    could be nice for infantry could peek around corners

    Sadly it would be too hard to code, just like lay down.

    Also i think it would be buggy as hell....
  3. Cinnamon

    FPS are not normally that realistic in terms of accurately modelling where your gun and head are as independent entities. And with third person games you just cheese by titling the camera around or have a sticky cover system. Lean controls are not that popular any more for a reason.
  4. Demigan

    Well, we already know that the death animation can sometimes get stuck after revival and the hitbox correctly stays with the prone body. Considering the various new knifing animations including on a Flash I would guess they could work it in an activateable feature.
    However, prone should definitely have limitations. A 0,5 sec cooldown to go in/out prone and a maximum rotationspeed similar to being hit by a concussion grenade. That gives it enough downsides to balance out the advantages of a tiny hitbox and tough to see, possibly some accuracy upgrade.

    About the leaning I dont see much reason for it. If enough people say they want it so the program time isnt useless, sure why not?
  5. N4rkoT1k

    For example, in Call of Duty 2 (I really mean CoD 2, not CoD MW 2) you could peek/lean around corners. Was a pretty important aspect of the game.. Ofc abused like hell by spamming the peek/lean button so that you could shoot at someone around the corner but he cannot shoot back at you (was called "clipping"). Could also be executed by laying down/crouching and standing back up again..

    @ OP
    I don´t think that mechanic would fit well into PS2..
    Besides, I guess it would be tough to implement into the current mechanics
  6. Zentoco

    Back in PS1, you could toggle 3rd person and 1st person views. In the outlying towers, for example, people would sit in 3rd person on the first landing up the steps and could 'peak' the corner that way. They'd see you coming up and could swap to 1st person and get the jump on you. It was a game mechanic and legit, but sucked being on the other side. It just isn't feasible in this game especially with how bad their code is and how many times you die around corners.
  7. Pikachu

    How do other games do it when there's a wall in the way? Does the head clip into the wall? About being hard to code, is it not just moving the hit boxes to the side a bit? Lying down is a different matter since it makes the player no longer symmetrical. You go from an always upright cylinder to one that is lying on the ground (or perhaps a box). Collision detection becomes a lot more complicated.
  8. Ziggurat8

    Leaning around a corner to shoot does 2 things. It keeps your outside leg behind cover. It's not worth it to reduce your hit box by 15%. Tapping left and right in and out of cover does essentially the same thing but your outside leg is exposed. It also would allow players to exploit the buggy hit box detection by tapping in and out of cover Peaking just your head around a corner could be cool.

    Ultimately firing around corners and a more in depth cover system could be cool but it would fundamentally change the game and none of the current bases or terrain is optimized for that style of play. Imagine playing MGS5 in ps2 terrain, it would suck. This game is more about reflex and speed than tactical movement and recon. Not to mention the engineers barrier would become the best thing in infantry fights.

    As for prone. If you've never played MGS5 I suggest you do. That game has the best prone/low crawl mechanics I've experienced. needless to say the dreaded "dropshot" that everyone cites as the reason we can't have prone is impossible as you can't ready or fire a weapon while changing stance or diving. Also rolling onto your back or side to shoot is a thing, so modifying turn speed is kind of ridiculous.

    If they were designing PS2 from the ground up with cover mechanics I would be all for it. This late in the game it would probably be exploitable and suck and be exploitable more than add anything to the game play.

    I can say for sure that the DBG Devs are currently unable to do the mechanic......even if, it would be guaranteed to be buggy.
    These guys can't even make an Update without gamebreaking bugs....what do you expect?
    Also they will no more introduce any new mechanics without making cheap and easy money behind it.

    I'll bet they will not do anything at all in that direction.
  10. Mightykitten

    Make a game and stop ******** on the developers
  11. DIGGSAN0

    I paid over 800€ for this game so i expect a good experience.
    I wouldn't think so if they (Devs) didn't f*ck around with me so much.
  12. DarkStarAnubis


    People already now ADAD during firefight to avoid being hit.

    It would be worse coupled with leaning spastically left and right to avoid heatshots.
  13. Metalsheep

    Any experienced PS1 vet knew how to use 3rd person mode effectively. It was one of the largest differences between lower skilled players and higher skilled ones. The counter to a 3rd person corner camper was grenades. Toss a Plasma up at that corner and you'll flush him out and you'll get a hit marker that someone was there. It really wasn't that big of an issue. It was nigh required to spot Boomers around corners.