What was your worse NooB experience!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scifi, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Scifi

    Is it just me or are NooBs getting thicker? We all know they have a thing for jumping into vehicles and start to fire the turrets in the sunderers where ever they go or doing something that they shouldn't. So what was your worse experience with a noob.

    You see I had a Sunderer in the middle of nowhere and i was having fun picking on someone who was building a base, like killing/blowing him up. My sunderer was cloaked an this guy appeared and he typed 'ooh enemy tanks are we cloaked?' i was like 'no they're just not interested in us atm, their looking for easter eggs' and there was abt 5 prowlers wandering abt searching for me but nowhere near us thankfully, until this idiot jumped into my sunderer and started to use the turrets(I had forgot to lock it). You can imagine my response, i kicked him out, but it was too late, I wasn't gonna allow them to have the fun in killing him and he was saying 'why did you kill me'. The amount of effort to get a sunderer from behind enemy lines to an attacking position is hardwork and for it to be destroyed by 1 idiot!
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  2. stalkish

    If your sundy was cloaked, and he asked 'are we cloaked' why did you answer 'no'?

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  3. Eternaloptimist

    Harrasser pulls up and shouts "I need a gunner". I jump in without thinking and find it is running a basilisk, no zoom.....uh oh, no upgrades? is there something I should kno..........hits tank mine. END
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  4. Sil4ntChaozz

    I TKed a bunch of TR because they were red...
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  5. Weylin

    At launch, we couldn't manage to get a single aircraft out of warpgate due to all the griefing ****heads, when ever we did slip through, a mosquito would clip us and flip the thing, what ever it was, upside down. Wreckage was also deadly so a mosquito hitting the right spot was instant death to even a Galaxy.
  6. Maecy

    For a while I thought I was actually hard to see as infil. Until I started playing combat medic to both get more certs and play like a standard infantryman to get better gamesense.
  7. Zagareth

    Every day, when Im on the hunt for enemy snipers, I see (hear) them not using a suppressor and shouting out every f*cking target they see. N00bish enough, aint it? ;)
    Well, sometimes Im in a mood to go close trying to humiliate him with a knife and then....
    ... I really sucked and managed to fail that kill big time, with the cherry on the to find myself at the next spawnpoint o_O
    What a f*cking n00b I am :oops:
  8. Morpholine

    As a noob? My first noob experience was being shown a very short video explaining the basic philosophy of the three factions before being drop-podded into the center of the biggest fight on Indar. Where I was promptly murdered into planetman paste almost before the game world rendered. After that things were okay, 'cause I had played PS1.

    With other noobs? The only one that stands out in recent memory was a BR1 headshotting me as I was tweaking a medic loadout in the spawn room. I killed him to death in retaliation, rezzed him, and said "Friendly fire is on", then went about my play.
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  9. DeadlyOmen

    My worst n00b experience was finding out the forums were a salt mine instead of a gold mine.
  10. Daigons

    While starting out PS2 as a fresh NC noob, my biggest noob moment was joining the VCO outfit. After getting TKed by one of their members several times, I reported them to the VCO leadership. They replied back with "...who cares". I promptly left.
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  11. T.A.94

    A hard one

    I remember i once accidental started recording where i had huge lags problems (back in March 2013) and thought the server was lagging and started unloading half magazines into friendlys... i actually got my weapons locked.:p

    But luckly i where and still am a NC:D

    yeah and several times i hit a rock or tree wile trying to get in to cover with my vanguard/lightning during revere driving. This still happens to me:confused:

    Also crashing into allied "elite" pilots happens time to time but thats something i dont care about cause they actually need to be somehow defeated;)
  12. Demigan

    Sounds close to my first experience.
    Pick NC, droppod in. See a bunch of red dudes running for me but none aim or shoot at me in the first few seconds, so I assume they are friendly.
    I turn to face my opposition, see some blue dudes, think "wait, didnt I pick bl..." and got murdered by half a TR Squad with my back turned. (Honorless bastards! This is why we are at war!)

    As for other noob encounters...
    The newb experience: found and murdered a low-br TR twice (deep inside vs/TR territory as NC). Not wanting to spoil it, I sought him out again and spammed sorry behind him. He turns, seems ready to shoot, then says Thank you. Another TR sniper takes a shot at me and my new friend helps me gun him down (although he missed). Another TR who's already embracing the NC ways!

    On a more noobish turn: I enter a 2/12 bassi Sundy this week, it drives up a road to place behind enemy lines and accidentally comes up the rear of a vanilla 1/2 Prowler. I immediately open fire. The Prowler is easy prey for us! Buuut my sundy driver and gunner are of the "shhh you are a noob if you open fire behind enemy lines" staple. And while I've just done 60% damage to the Prowler and would have gotten him of the other guys had opened fire, they just panicked and tried to tell me not to fire. The Sunderer fled, the Prowler drove away without hitting a single shot.
    Not revealing your position and loathing players who ruin it is ok, but dont miss opportunities when they arrive.
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  13. Rydenan

    I died over 40 times before I got my first kill in this game.
    That's not an exaggeration; I specifically remember that number. :/

    Was that today on Esamir? I saw the guy, but hell no way I'm getting in that one.
  15. ListenTourBalls

    As a noob: being shot on sight by friendlies for my outfit tag. Apparently the outfit I joined had a bit of a dubious reputation. Guy was a complete dick when I messaged him trying to figure out wtf. Basically told me "join a **** outfit get **** on". For the record I didn't do anything to this guy.

    Best noob experience: met anot her noob, squadded up, great battle taking an outpost ourselves. We run to a cliff trying to escape some enemy armor when all of a sudden a scythe rises up from the other side of the cliff, not 5 meters in front of us. Very cinematic. We died.
  16. TR5L4Y3R

    not noob but elitist vet (something 2400 stars) tking me for trying archer on a siegewall

    worst thing i did .. accidently firing a rocket on a burning escaping sundy with like 6 guys in it :/

    eheh ... ups ... sorry guys
  17. Kdog559

    For me it's when I joined the game fresh out the tube joining some great outfits and joined the platoons and didnt know how to follow the map or the waypoints what they meant and didnt even know there was a voice chat that you need to enable to hear people and PL orders. I ended up getting booted from the same outfit like 3 times before I knew it was because i didnt have voice chat on to follow the orders and never got advice what the waypoints meant.I was all over the map doing my own thing lol while others were fighting together.
  18. IcEzEbRa

    I seem to do something equally noobish every time I play....lol.
  19. FieldMarshall

    I used to press E (exit vehicle) instead of R (reload) sometimes.
    Not so bad when you are on your own in a tank, but worse when you are on you way somewhere in a fully loaded Galaxy.
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  20. N4rkoT1k

    To this day, I still enter vehicles that have no optic upgrade at all (and I mean by players that are not BR 1-20).
    For all of you reading this: At least get the zoom upgrade (for just 1 damn cert) for EVERY weapon that you use on ANY vehicle! Please, do it!!!
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