[BUG] Infravison display settings.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LtBomber1, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. LtBomber1

    Hello all.
    I was lucky enough to get an invraviosion implant, but i want to point out that it really needs a quality of life adjustment.

    For those who don't know the implant: It gives you thermal view as infantry, highlighting enemy players who not use sensor shield. On the opposite you have limieted viewrange (cant see past 75m at all) and cant spot any cloak (i ran into a cloaked sundi and was wondering what the **** blocked me. Also EMP turns it to black/unfunctional and it does not work in vehicles. So far, so balanced.

    The bad side: Its contrast is fine in night times. Jet in daytimes, or on Esamir, you can not see anything, because it turns your screen white. Unplayable eyehurting white. At least when you play everthing ultra. This effects is different on each continent.
    Solution would be to change its color sceme to maybe blue background with yellow highlights if it is intended to have inconsitstant performance due to day-night cycle and continent (which i cant belive) or make it constant.

    I do understand that this affects not many people, jet a pass on it would be nice.
  2. Okaydan

    And allow to make a keybind to toggle it... It's not worth an implant slot at the moment :/
  3. Daigons

    Seriously the implant should only activate when you activate your weapon's optic keybind.
  4. stalkish

    stupid implant, too many drawbacks.
    I struggle to see how anyone could have thought it was a good idea tbh.
  5. FateJH

    Considering that an Implant version may as well have come from playerbase suggestions, it makes a lot of sense why some people thought it was a good idea.