Make implants drop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Masyaka, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Masyaka

    I can no longer spam skyguard lightings. I deal with it.
    I can no longer pull a single vanguard. I deal with it.
    I still cant kill any air without skyguard. I deal with it.

    Now i cant get any implant for just playing. I CANT DEAL WITH THINGS ANYMORE!



    IM ENOUGHH OF CANCER:confused::confused::(
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  2. LtBomber1

    I think they have already plans for it. But on the other hand the system is the moneymaker. For play, implants are more like gadgets, even if some people claim the game unplayable without battlehardend. Nice to have, but dont offset teamplay, skill and numbers.
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  3. VookieTheCookie

    they wont because they are money thirsty *****
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  4. Masyaka

    "average" players, which are still unlocking whole game of certs wont be able to buy these packs, because its too huge cost for a random implant, which is not a guaranteed carapace.
  5. Eternaloptimist

    Old news is old. People talked about this a lot when the new implant system came out. Devs said they would tweak the system and yes, new players can unlock smaller packs by completing low level directives, uncommon and rare implants now more likely to drop. Something is in the works about new ways to obtain ISO4. But RadarX says the RNG of buying implant packs is here to stay.

    Btw, how is it you can't kill air without a Skyguard? do you not play HA now and then to get use of the G2A launcher? I main engie or medic but when the aircraft are around (especially the smokey ones) I pull HA and regularly manage to pop one or two.
  6. TR5L4Y3R

    i love how people always claim x are greedy but then are themselves unwilling to spend anything ...

    devs: "shi t we are low on money to keep the game up we need a moneymaking system that is not too gamechanging"
    *implements system*
    f2p nonpaying crowd: "F U C K YOU GREEDY SCU MDEVS"!
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  7. FateJH

    I wonder if the cost of implant packs by certs scaling by number of packs purchased (also by certs) and by battle rank would have looked more magnanimous without cutting into profitability? I don't suppose it matter as pricing models don't seem to be able to deal with that dynamic a case.
  8. Daigons

    Cheapskates will always complain no matter what the circumstances are. I bet most of the complainers are trying to figure out how to reuse their toilet paper.
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    1. Deposit 5000 DBC
    2. Load up on implants
    3. Equip implants
    What's so mother fragging difficult here? Buy some DBC and get rolling you crybabies, for ****'s sake (or don't, but then you are freeloaders on a game that potentially took hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars to make).
  10. Cymric

    Fixed for you:
    1. Deposit 5000 DBC
    2. Open RNG box and every implant is a duplicate that you don't need
    3. DBG laugh at you as you deposit another 5000 DBC to try again
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  11. Maecy

    this is the more likely situation.
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  12. Campagne

    Well for starters, always wanting more than one has is being greedy, not spending money one has is being cheap. :p

    Secondly, the newest iteration of the implant system is pretty gamey, and does not exactly favour the player.

    Thirdly, I'd like to think that I am smart enough with my money to not blow it all on a potential small advantage in a videogame. What is it for a pack anyways? $7 USD like everything else for 9 random implants? The ISO-4 itself won't even stretch very far from just one purchase.
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  13. Pelojian

    the whole point of implant system 1.0 and 2.0 is to get you to spend money on RNG, because it's more profitable to squeeze whales for cash then to offer the implants directly for sale by certs or DBC.
  14. LordKrelas

    So, we still doing 750 certs for RNG on 9 implants?
    You know, 250 certs off of buying an entire new weapon that can't be the same weapon you already have.
    Which wouldn't turn from 83 certs (750/9) into what was it? 25 ISO... dependent on Implant rarity.
    Now to upgrade any implant, you generally need... ah what was it like 50 - 75 ISO on the lower levels, rising into the thousands?
    So you need numerous implants to be duplicates if you have the implant(s) you want... So the RNG can ****-block you from any implant wanted for all eternity, and ****-block you from even gaining ISO until you get all the basics & rares.

    Following into the whole RNG bit, you have to spend hundreds of certs, to play the little game of chance.
    And in order to upgrade any such Implant, you have to play the game of Chance, ironically praying to get duplicates...

    Make ISO drop at least, mother of mercy.
    At present it's ( 25 \ 85 ) it's 0.3 ISO a cert, assuming you get duplicates which first assumes you actually have the implant you want.
    I like having more implants, it spices it up, makes interesting combos, however in all irony it means the more expansive the list..
    The longer the RNG can screw with gaining any ISO.
    Never mind the implants, it's the bloody ISO.

    RNG on both the implants (rares are a good ******* luck), and the fact you have to 'lose' the RNG rolls to gain any material to upgrade what you won to begin with...
    Screwed is putting it bluntly.

    Implant drops would likely be "why bother with crates, unless I can't be arsed to wait & work"
    But ISO? You need hundreds, to thousands per every little implant.
    The list grows, you're more unlikely as it goes, to want just 1 or 2 implants when 50 of the blighters are incredibly practical.
    (we don't have 50 yet, that's a random numeric example)

    The implants that form strats & load-outs? Here lets play RNG sure..
    But the same RNG has to be ironically ****, just to gain the required upgrade material?
    .3 ISO for the certs spent, doesn't seem bad until you realize something:

    For 750 certs, you have 9 RNG rolls.
    That's 9 chances to gain an implant, with %'s, including duplicates.
    If you have your wanted implant(s), that's 9 rolls that could roll anything but duplicates gaining you nothing to actually use.
    If you don't have your wanted implant(s), that's 9 rolls that could be nothing you can use even ISO in some cases.
    As the list grows, the rolls not even yielding any of that ISO gets more likely.
    In all irony, at one point You'll want to roll rares just to get more ISO to use on the rare(s) you even have.. Or on the normal ones.

    .3 ISO per cert, for the Price of 750 Certs, assuming RNG agrees with you.
    Bloody hell, give ISO for so & so EXP or some ****.
    Mercy's sake.
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