Vanguard shield ..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orakel, May 29, 2017.

  1. Liewec123


    as you can see from the replies here noone else here shares your opinion,
    we all apparently know the oh-so-secret way of beating the oh-so-OP shield.
    dont try to mindlessly facetank. ;)

    as a magrider there is no reason for a vanguard to be in your face or at a distance where the shield is worth a damn.
    so if you are at those distances it is because you overextended,
    you used the most agile MBT to close the distance to the slowest, throwing away all of your strengths and opting to play to his...
    and now you're complaining that he won.
  2. VeryCoolMiller

    and anyway next vehicles update is going to nerf the i-win button. So finally vanguard players will stop to simply run where they want don't giving a damn about exposing their butt.
  3. Movoza

    The arguments here are quite iffy. For example, 66% extra health doesn't mean you can take on 2 tanks. You would be able to if you had the shield indefinitely and take on one tank at a time, but not 2 at the same time. They do double damage and have double health, while you only have double health. Add the time the shield is active and you know that the shield is only for 1-1 encounters or getting back into cover. To add insult to injury, you need to have the initiative in most cases. If you're flanked or surprised, the shield can be quite useless. Popping into and out of cover is also a bad idea, as it generally involves showing your side. Finally, the new shield can only be used to a "full potential" in losing situations, even more so than the last.

    I just hope the buffs to the tank itself are enough to get this bad tank that could compete thanks to the shield to an at least mediocre tank that can compete without a shield.
  4. Kerros

    Me thinkz some peoplez forget a few thingz.

    The TR Prowler be like: PEWPEWPEWPEW I can outshoot you m8!

    The NC Vanguard be like: BOOMBOOMBOOM I can outtank you m8

    The Vanu Magrider be like: M8s you can't hit me because I'm up on this really high hill at an angle you can't aim at strafe shooting your facesz :3

    In a shorter sum-up: Different vehicles are meant for different scenarios m8 :3
  5. Chrisragnar

    I dont find that mags usually willingly overcomit, the mag has not Choice. Vang is fast and silent, and the mag is slow and break fast. You cant turn and magburn away, thats too slow. Its pretty much auto eject once you see the vanguard. Remove stealth from VG and make it louder, that would be better. Sins the VG is faster than a magrider running is punished, get stuck or turn into something that you lose a sec and you are toast. Stay and fight, you are toast. Fight at range and the vanguard can just pop sheild and go rep, then its just a slugfest intill vanguard gets lazy or mag melts before it can get back in cover. Im sure its not impossible to best VG but it is expected that magriders put in major **** tons more effort into a fight to have a chance. I never understood why mags projectiles are so slow and high gravity, is that really needed?
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  6. Chrisragnar

    Also mags on hillside? Does that happen outside of spawnroom camps? I never experiance an advantage from climbing hills when in a tank fight. You just become a target.
  7. Pat22

    Overall, your argument stands, but I'm going to just correct a few things;

    66% damage resistance does not equal 66% extra health.
    Nor does 66% damage resist = double health.

    From the last numbers I remember, Prowlers and Magriders would have 5000 health, while the Vanguard would have 6000.

    So two Prowlers or two Magriders have a total health of 10 000.

    However, since the shield only allows 34% of damage to go through from the front, the Vanguard will have 6000 / 0.34 = 17647, which is actually more than triple the health for the duration of the shield.

    Since the shield will run dry long before a 2v1 encounter is over, it still won't allow you to win but you should still be able to trade evenly while outnumbered.
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  8. DeadlyOmen

    You were killed by a Vanguard. Relax, and respawn.
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  9. Corezer

    the 2 things the current shield does is negate bad AI interactions and negate bad AV interactions. If you have good aim and tactics, the shield does nothing more than save you some repair time at the end of a battle.

    Patch notes make it useless, but it wasn't too useful to begin with.

    VS will soon realize that getting that guy to smoking before they die (rather than 85%) after facetanking doesn't make them feel better about it, and complain more later...
  10. Movoza

    You're right. Thanks for doing the math, I didn't pay attention and just took over the words of others in this thread. Should have picked up on that.

    But as you say, I think the point stands as well.
  11. Pat22

    Actually I think I was the one who said it would be little over half health earlier, I didn't do the math either.
  12. Orakel

    Seems talking about facts and the shield gets nerfed soon ...
  13. Kdog559

    Learn to swag ride and you will dominate NC vanguards like no tomorrow.It's really not that hard to do. Since the nerf to vanguards shields should make it a whole lot easier now instead of just backing off. Hit em on the side or just wait for it to go away.
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