Faction Imbalance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CleverAssName, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Nabutso


  2. Direlithe

    This. The asymmetry dbg was trying to achieve for small and wide scale battles was biting off way more than they could chew, and the game and its players are suffering for it. They should just give everyone the same exact dps, ttk, recoil, etc., etc., etc for weapons and vehicles. Just make the sound effects and graphic animations faction appropriate: VS with pewpew sounds, TR with BrrtBrrrt sounds, and whatever the hell NC sounds like. That would probably be the best way to balance everything imo.
  3. Direlithe


  4. Campagne

    What Direlithe said. The grotesque disparity in population creates anomalies. I don't see you highlighting the average KPU or KPH... :p
  5. Campagne

    I don't know if I would want to take it to such an extreme, I fear that would become quite dull and boring.

    I do think that the balance would be better as a whole if the ES secondaries didn't exist and we just had NS GKs and Vulcans and Enforcers. Really, just as long as one or more faction(s) doesn't get completely ****** over like the NC with their respective ES AV secondary options. :eek:
  6. Nabutso

    They're anti vehicle weapons.

    Used for killing vehicles.

    One kills vehicles more than the others.

    If "its used more so it's better" is an argument, isn't NC the most OP faction since it has the most players?
  7. Direlithe

    Eh, I'll vie for dull and boring as long as I can wipe the smug expression off my enemies faces after using their own weapons against them. I mean, isn't that the best part about hacking enemy base Phalanx and AA turrets? That never gets boring for me. Either that or allow everyone to use vehicles and weapons for any faction. I'd be really interested in seeing the kind of choices people make, and I'm confident that the vast majority of harasser users would have vulcans as their topgun. But that's just my opinion.

    I still think dbg has bit off more than they could chew with their wide scale battle system and implementing ES variation. Balancing everything for 1v1 battles is far different than balancing for 100v100 battles; it needs to be done carefully so that there is some semblance of equalness. By simply looking at NC alert wins from beginning til now, they absolutely haven't achieved that. I can't imagine the cert lead other factions have compared to NC, but I bet it's more than enough to create a significant divergence.
  8. Direlithe

    I still see you have your horse blinders on. This isn't even worth being dignified with an answer.
  9. Campagne

    Just by a small margin and absolutely nothing else. Therefore, it must be the best by far, right? :p

    [Citation needed.]
  10. Campagne

    I suppose that would be fun for a time as well. :D That could be good, but I think it would have to be limited somehow. Maybe just a simple as increasing the difficulty and/or costs of obtaining "foreign" equipment. I suggested something like this a while back with Directive rewards being unlocked account-wide, but it didn't really seem too popular though. Would make for better gameplay if anyone might have access to anything, in my opinion. (Otherwise who'd ever use X of faction A when faction B's Y is generally considered better?) The choices made would be very interesting indeed.

    They don't seem to know how or what they want to do in regards to balance methinks. Hard to say exactly what could be done about it so far and deep into it now.
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  11. Nabutso

    27 / 24..25 = 12.5..8% better.

    12.5% is a big gap! That's a bigger gap than most of the stat differences we saw when comparing NC and TR stuff. We have Magriders stats showing that they're -10-+10% on the stats vs different MBT setups yet we have massive, massive, seriously, massive whining from Magrider drivers. Virtually no difference = massive whining. Difference in favor of NC = NC whining. What..?
  12. JonnyBlue

    I thought Anti Vehicle weapons killed infantry:p
  13. Campagne

    The gap is only large in the same sense that the difference between two and one is 50%. The actual numerical difference is quite minor, as is 2.25 more vehicle kills in an hour for the Mjolnir over the Vulcan.

    How about the KPH for all kills? There's a 8.57 kills per hour difference between the two, in favour of the Vulcan.

    I'd list the hilarious difference in total kills, but obviously the dramatically more popular Vulcan skews the data with its sheer preference over the competition.

    Obviously the NC are not avoiding the Mjolnir because of its "higher" performance as you'd like to have this forum believe, but rather because anyone that has ever used it knows just how putrid and awful that boxy piece of **** is at everything past existing. And even then, it's not doing much to propagate its species. ;)
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  14. Nabutso

    I could list the massive difference in vkph for the GODSAW vs the Beetelgeuse but that isn't what the weapons are intended for, you know?

    Maybe if you stopped trying to convince everyone that all the things that NC has that ARE GOOD are actually BAD, then people would use the things which ARE GOOD.
  15. LaughingDead

    I could skew the stats any number of ways, but having weapon data from last year?
    Why are we using vehicle data that's both outdated, inconsistent and without number of vehicles pulled? Infantry is almost always at the fronts at nearly all times, vehicles, not even close.

    While CURRENT stats can prove infantry weapons from different factions perform differently because infantry is generally regulated combat, vehicle spawns are inconsistent.

    Say, KPU for a prowler mob, it's a zerg, but a noob zerg, they do terribly because they don't have topgunners, they get C4 flashed and daltoned and had no targets to shoot at, easily driving down the KPU. AVKPU depends entirely on how many enemy vehicles are pulled and what types are they, 15 harassers are not the same as 15 MBTs (unfortunately imo, not by much). So it could easily be swayed that a mjolner kills 20 flashes, and vulcans kill 15 MBTs, considering how that data is skewed with vulcans coming out with more kills (2 per tank), but mjolners coming out ahead with more vehicle kills could be a viable explanation to what happened more often, but is stupid to assume either way. It's too much inconsistent data without vehicles pulled, what was killed and etc.

    But seriously, weapon data from last damn year, why do people even bother trying to make an argument with outdated data?
  16. Campagne

    That would be because they are infantry-based small arms, one of which has the option to tickle heavy armour to death provided the user is standing on an ammo pack. (Also can occasionally steal kills off of burning tanks I'd imagine.)

    But even so that is not an accurate comparison. That's a "long" range weapon verse short/CQC range weapon, one of which completely dominates the other in the vast number of engagements. BUT!!, that's not what we're talking about right now, is it? :p

    First of all, I highly doubt anyone actually listens to me when I tell them I think "X is ****" and "Y is really good" or whatever. Secondly, I'm not calling something that is good and powerful terrible names because I don't want players to use it, I'm calling a shovel a spade that is terrible and no one uses. ;)
  17. Campagne

    Well as far as I'm aware neither the weapon sets nor the platform have been altered at all since the data stream stopped, and if we didn't use out-dated data we'd have nothing but personal experience and theoretical engagements to base our arguments upon.

    So well yeah it's obviously not the best, I'd say that it's much better than nothing. :confused:
  18. LaughingDead

    Actually no, all of the ES topguns were changed, not to mention different players coming and going for a year. The data is so out of date that it would be like basing the US census during the black plague in Europe. If you base it of that data, any outcome will be doubtful to the Nth degree, using said data would be more harmful even if the answer came out the same as it would, because it would throw doubt into the argument which simply spurs on because there isn't enough evidence supporting the claim and the evidence given is completely open to many different interpretations and the data is from players who could possibly be new or be gone from this game.

    I'm not for blah or against blah, this data is just bad to base an argument off of and that really annoys me.
  19. Campagne

    Just not really. The GK got nerf'd, the Mjolnir & Enforcer got tinny tiny buffs, and Aphelion got a very minor, small nerf. The Vulcan has remained entirely untouched in the time that the OoD has ceased to work. Everything (aside from the GK) is mostly the same in terms of stats.

    Fun fact: The Black Plague did not actually kill indiscriminately, but targeted the least healthy individuals largely regardless of age, sex, or social class.

    It would be very unlikely for most weapons that the majority of players from a year ago performed better or worse with only one/a small amount of weapon(s) as compared to the majority of current or past players.

    Until the OoD or anyone else gets use all a fresh stream of accurate data I'm afraid you'll just have to be annoyed as well all work off of what was once and may or may not be true now. :cool:
  20. Direlithe

    You can't just handpick one or two stats and decide that everything is as it should be. Just because the game developer isn't waving their hands around doesn't indicate that there's nothing wrong with the balance in the game. Let's stop repeating this mistake every time there's a shift in the conversation. Look at how things have gone with NC alert stats. If anyone knows anything about why that's happening, it would be them; yet the issue is at a standstill.