If there is a minor cloack...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by No0T, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. BrbImAFK

    Given that, of the two people that responded to your comment, BOTH understood the exact same thing on it, I'm going to suggest (again) that it's a perfectly logical conclusion and that YOU failed to communicate your idea appropriately.

    But, whatever. I can't be bothered anymore.
  2. Demigan

    Given that, if you read it back, you can actually read the intention, how could it have been my problem in communication? I admit, FateH is someone who usually reads everything thoroughly, but it's right there in the text! It's like a new game where I suggest "how about an ability that allows you to jump really high" (a jumpjet) and the first reaction is "But we can already jump". Or "how about we add a Quad" and the reaction is "But we can already drive other vehicles".
    Hell, on one end people are complaining I'm too in-depth about my idea's. Then when I just lay the bare-bones idea at someone's feet the immediately misinterpret it, despite that the text actually alludes to exactly what I'm communicating.
  3. FateJH

    The context of that sentence was commentary, still, on your unamended proposal from the OP and its comparison to Decoy Grenades, not the expanded explanation you provided later. I suppose I could have used "were" for the verb, though maybe "in the OP" would have been better for perfect clarity.
    That's a better argument to correct the original, not pan it off to another class.
    Following your amended proposal, let's talk about more specifics regarding the ability. Remembering that blips on the radar are added for specific reasons defined by the game, do you mean to imply that this new feature temporarily overrides the rules of blips being rendered and tracked thus that real players are no longer rendered or tracked?
    If so, then how do we account for an ability undoing a larger selection of basic game mechanics in a fell swoop? even the Infiltrator's radar utilities have conditions by which players remain masked. I would assume specifics whereby player are still revealed even in the face of "LA Decoy".
    If not, then what calculates consistency between the movement of the false blips, which would quite easily give away real players from the fake ones? I personally will not abide by an explanation like "seasoned players will see through it, but new players will get tripped up" as anything but veteran-catering. (At least, right now.)
  4. Demigan

    Yes decoy grenades need to be buffed. However the question of "does it need to stay with the Infil or go to another class" is interesting as well. Just because it's on one class now doesn't mean it should be. Considering that decoy grenades haven't really been used in the game much or had any good purposes overall there's nothing lost by changing it's designated class and capabilities, if that's a good idea for the gameplay.

    The idea is that it creates false signatures. All normal rules apply, all normal radar blips work. If an LA with false-signatures on steps into radar-range, the LA's blip (and that of any other player) is still visible on the exact position of the player.
    The advantage comes from creating false blips, blips that aren't connected to a person. These blips make it harder to spot which blips are connected to real players and which one's aren't. That makes it harder for players to know if an enemy is about to walk through the door or that they might be looking at a false blip. If you spot the LA, the false blips will make it harder to track which is the 'real' LA and which is fake. For clarity, "blips" includes both the dot and the directional spotted arrow, so if you are spotted you have false signatures that actually work, rather than the enemy saying "well there's as single spotted arrow and 5 dots on the radar so I know exactly where to look".

    This is a more interesting question. I take it you mean "if the LA acticates his ability, where do the blips around him go and how do they move"?
    I think the easiest way to do this is to create several blips that are directly tied to the LA's movement and facing. So if the LA does a 180, there's several blips that are moving at amazing speeds across the radar, making it easier to spot which are fake and which aren't. However, since the most use of a radar is for quick glances rather than continuous observation (which I wouldn't recommend because you would easily get shot), players would quickly lose track of which are false or real.

    As an alternative: Create several false signatures around the LA at random distances from the LA, then let these false signature make a slow circular motion with the LA at the center. This disconnects the LA's facing from the position of the radar signatures. Since the LA will be walking in different directions and doing stuff the false signatures around him can be more realistic to the casual observer.

    As the most difficult alternative: The LA will generate a certain amount of radar blips in his range that will randomly move across the LA's false-signature range. If a blip moves out of the LA's range (because the LA is moving or because the blip moves itself out of range) a new one is instantly generated.
  5. No0T

    They should be both infiltrator's and light assault's. And infiltrators should get sticky grenade. (I personally believe engineers should get access to all grenades as they are the explosive experts...)

    The solution to that grenade is just make it so you get double than normal grenades so you get 2 if you don't have any bandoleer belt. 4 if you have basic bandoleer... and so on up to 8. That vvay people vvould start using it... specially novv that spotters are ****** up... and they should alternate shovving an arrovv No0t a dot or a dot time to time in the map so they farther mislead in the direction you are looking like if a guy had been spoted or like if you shoot or the like... also they should shovv maybe another dot in random direction after a variable lapse of time.. So people cant pick up the pattern the system should copy some real movement from a player somevvhere else connected to the game for a variable vvhile... So its really No0t distinguishable... but mostly they should hire me so they get better implementations to ideas like this.

    But lets go back to my tread please.
  6. No0T

    Funny hovv everybody thought on the LA. I Knovv the most povverfull implant vvould be a mini half body max shield that could let you keep using your sidevveapon but at cost of precision because of shooting vvith only one hand... or heavy assault resist shield vvith longer cooldovvn and 75% strength... That could be used as vvell by heavy assaults on top of theirs xD
  7. No0T

    I solved all those problems in my previous post shovving hovv it could be implemented.
  8. Demigan

    Your previous post doesn't really talk about anything I mention. It has something about decoy grenades, but nothing like what I've proposed. Also some of the idea's you posted are pretty appalling. For a very large quanitity of "some" I might add.
  9. RobotNinja

    I've been on hiatus for a while. What's this "minor cloak" that any class can use?
  10. LordKrelas

    New Implant system, brings in two implants at once for no energy drain (that was removed), with new implants.

    Minor cloak, is 'rare' implant capable of a limited form of cloaking, if the user stands still for several seconds.
    It prevents firing, and requires movement to break the cloak.

    Its apparently going to be a novelty more than useful.
  11. BrbImAFK

    They're completely changing the implants system. It's a f'n disaster of a cash-grab. DBG has even admitted it's a cash grab.

    Some useful implants like sensor shield are going away, others like regen are getting nerfed, and they're introducing a whole bunch of ******** instead.

    For example, they're introducing "Catlike" - which boosts your crouch-movement speed to near-normal levels. This means that in addition to the silly ADAD-dance, we're now all going to have to crouch-spam to say competitive.

    And they're introducing one called "Vampire" which gives the user up to 200 health (40%) on a knife kill.... as if power-knife wielding Stalkers weren't scary enough!

    Then there's the gem that is "Minor Cloak". Infils only get three class-related things - Recon, Cloaking and Hacking. They nerfed recon when they released the recon darts for the Xbow, giving any class the ability to do recon, now they're nerfing cloaking. Minor Cloak is an implant that will put the user into cloaked status after standing still for 8 seconds. Yup. You read that right. Pump-shotgun / rocket primary heavy assaults, cloaked in the point room / vehicle terminal. Hooray! Just wait until we get "minor jump-pack", "minor overshield" etc. implants as well to further reduce class relevance!

    And we're getting two implants slots, so you'll see a lot of the "less used" implants used more often.... like Sweeper HUD (reveals mines etc.). Good luck getting your AI mines, AV mines etc. auraxiumed after THIS goes live! Don't even bother putting them down, you'll just be wasting your nanites!

    Oh yeah, and some of the implants have features that will only be usable by the top-tier players (things like "+shields on headshot kill").... as if they needed even more advantages over the rest of us mere mortals.

    Then, of course, they're screwing over old players and new alike. According to the latest information, a person with a full implant set and the ability to run them will, after conversion, be reduced to THREE full implants. Out of like 11. And the new implants can only be acquired with certs or cash, making this system completely P2W because you can buy combat power with cash, and if you try to use certs (based on current prices since they haven't released them) you're looking at 10,000+ certs spent on implants because, OF COURSE, we all want to include stupid random boxes in the game! If you're interested in how I arrive at this conclusion, see my comments here and here and some more P2W argument, with quotes from the PS2 devs demonstrating why the new implant system is P2W, here.

    All in all, the new implants system is (imho) an absolute disaster. If it goes live as currently planned, I will be cancelling my subscription in protest.
    • Up x 1
  12. RobotNinja

    Wow...that's bad.

    Unless they give Infiltrators their shotguns back. If so, then sure...go ahead and give everyone a cloak. :p