NC NOMAD Armour completed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dokukai, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. dokukai

    In case people here don't visit r/Planetside, thought I would share this here too.

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  2. BrbImAFK

    I love the detail and the design, but..... it leaves the overall model too squat and bulky for me to enjoy it overall. Still.... amazing work!
  3. Nabutso

    I've always wondered, do cosmetic pieces like this have any impact on hitboxes?
  4. dokukai

  5. Liewec123

    i hate it! ;)
    i hate it because you're making me spend all of my money Doku! :D:D

    i purchased the TR AVA armour (full bundle) and i only really play infil, engi and heavy on my TR,
    as NC is my main i'll be buying Nomad the moment it is released, i can't wait to see it with Circuitboard Camo! :)
  6. dokukai

    Thank you for the purchase :)
  7. Pikachu

  8. BrbImAFK

    I must admit.... I'd love to see what you can come up with for the VS though!
  9. Nabutso

    Do you have 100% confirmation on this? If so I'll buy it.
  10. Liewec123

    they don't, it is the same for vehicles, you'll notice you can walk right through galaxy cosmetic parts when you're repairing it.
  11. Lord_Avatar

    Looks great! Very beefy. :cool:
  12. BartasRS

    Great job! If you could make something really good for VS it might even save this faction, for sure I would buy it.
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  13. Kristan

    Apparently if cosmetics on vehicle does not affect hitboxes on them I guess it's the same thing with infantry armor. I have tried to shoot at cosmetic wings on a mossie, bullets went through.

    Great job on the armor Doku, can't wait to shoot some fancy dressed NC rebels.

    UPD. Oh jeez, C4's and Betties strapped on thighs? Now I'll think twice before shooting those guys at point blank range.
  14. SeVeJ

    Awesome work, wondering if they will be released individually instead of only in the bundle as i dont have the money to buy them all but the medic one looks too cool to pass up.
  15. dokukai

    Available in the Bundles section of the store. Individual armour usually for sale a couple of months after bundle release.