[Suggestion] LagWizard Solution

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BatmanApollo, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. BatmanApollo

    Hi to all!
    Many of you have an experince with situations when you start to fight with somebody. And this person starting to warp or even his damadge come to you when you are already BEYOND the cover!
    These peple plays with terrible ping 130+ and some of them using lagswitch.
    The solutions to FIX this situations is SIMPLE.

    When player have a bad quality he must be locked. He MUSN'T have a permision to start session.
    For example if we take a Miller server it means like all who have more than 75-80 ping. Shoudn't have access to start session.

    Becouse when smy have a shtestquality of internet it means it his personal problems. BUT personal problems SHODN'T be problems for all others players.
  2. D.M.B.-681

    And how about a mouse, what will electrocute you when for launching planetside with AMD video card,
    or if your specs not good enough to run it, your keyboard would eat your fingers,
    or attach to every planetside player a personal commissar who will shoot on sight for any attempt of cheating.

    or how about no?
  3. BatmanApollo

    That mens only 1 you are the one from them. Tha's is why you do not agree.
  4. Campagne

    Well the Commissar wouldn't really be that bad... :p
  5. The Rogue Wolf

    What a great idea! And let's set this maximum ping 10ms lower than you can achieve, so that you can never ever play!
    • Up x 1
  6. DeadlyOmen

    Ping 130 is terrible?

  7. adamts01

    And when all those paying customers are gone then your server might be the next to shut down, just like their servers shut down. Then you'll want to play on the US servers because they're the last ones up, but too bad, your ping. Either way, Lag Wizardry is different than high ping, which ~130 isn't.
  8. zeroxpain

    no they dont need to be electrocuted just not allowed in game with AMD hardware