[Suggestion] More Voice Call-Outs (V + x)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Campagne

    Voice callouts are great, I use them all the time. I think that it would be great to have even more options, and especially the option to customize their positions and such.

    Some examples of much needed lines:
    • "Get the fnck out of the way!"
    • "Grow a pair you worthless coward!"
    • "Head in the right fncking direction, ******!"
    • Et cetera
    On a more serious note, replacing "Check your fire" with "I need a gunner" was incredibly stupid, and highlights the actual legitimate need to be able to customize the positions of each line on the list.

    If I'm operating a vehicle that has a turret worth using, someone will probably already be using it. The 99+% of the time in which I'm playing infantry or am driving a vehicle without a vacant gunner position or even a turret at all I do not need the option to request a gunner. There are however, a number of good reasons why one would want the option to use "check your fire" on demand.

    This is of course also true for other things like vehicle-less infantry needing repairs, (live) MAXes needing a medic, engineers needing ammo...
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  2. RainbowDash9

    i wouldnt mind a radial menu.

    pretty much a nice circle of topics like "support" or "rage tell" and then each one of those has a list of call outs selected with numbers like normal. anything to get more use out of my arnold and ragna the bloodedge voice packs lol
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  3. BrbImAFK

    Planetside 1 had this in spades..... instead of V+# for a callout, it was V+#+#. The first number called up the group, the second number called up the specific shoutout. You had a whole set for vehicles, a whole set of warnings (mines, snipers etc.), a whole set of requests (medic, armor, ammo, etc.) and on and on and on. I still don't understand why they didn't do this in PS2.
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  4. Inzababa

    I love these, I'm not sure but I think this is the only game that has these?

    I'd really like to have more but I don't see it happening ...
  5. BrbImAFK

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  6. Campagne

    Yeah, I don't expect to see this happening ever, but at least no one could say we didn't ask for it!

    (Or at least the "check your fire" voice back.)

    This would be great to have in PS2!

    I wish I was aware of PS1 while it was still in its prime.
  7. Diilicious

    Id prefer the way it worked in command and conquer renegade tbh.

    Ctrl + 1-10
    Alt + 1-10
    Ctrl + Alt + 1-10

    gives room for 30 voice commands.
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  8. Campagne

    That'd work as well.
  9. AkuraThDB

    If nothing else, I'd like a "no" voicecall. There's an "affirmative", but no "negative".

    Also, I didn't know they got rid of "Check Fire". Damn it, that was necessary the fact that I didn't use it enough to notice it's disappearance notwithstanding.

    "I need a gunner" makes no sense if you're driving a non-weapon vehicle, like a Flash, or a Valk/Galaxy with the gunnery seats already taken.
  10. FieldMarshall

    I seem to remember them saying they didnt include the massive voice options from PS1 because people would find it "too complicated".
    But what if they added it as a seperate voice option, so "smart" people could enable it if they wanted.

    Imagine being able to press V-R-D-S and have you character say "Defend the SCU!"
    (V = voice menu, R = request, D = defend, S = SCU)
    And hearing someone who pressed V-S-D-S reply with "I'll defend the SCU!".
    (V = voice menu, S = self, D = defend, S = SCU)

    I really miss things like "hello", "yes", "no", "good job", "nice shot", "enemy sniper" etc.
    But it was also nice to be able to say more in-depth things like "Cease fire" "Im hacking the vehicle terminal".
    V-V-C, V-S-H-V.
    (V = voice menu, V = quick menu, C = cease fire. V = voice menu, S = self, H = hack, V = vehicle terminal)

    I personally found the "complicated" PS1 voice commands very intuitive once i got used to it.
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  11. BrbImAFK

    Wait, what?! Are you serious?! It was an awesome system, and very intuitive. I mean, I get that they're trying to appeal more to the ADHD-ritalin-popping-CoD-fanboi crowd more, but that's kind insulting, to be honest!
  12. Diilicious

    in C&C:R the voice commands were as follows.

    Ctrl + 1 : Building needs repair!
    Ctrl + 2 : Get in the vehicle!
    Ctrl + 3 : Get out of the vehicle!
    Ctrl + 4 : Destroy that vehicle!
    Ctrl + 5 : Watch where you are pointing that!
    Ctrl + 6 : Don't get in my way!
    Ctrl + 7 : Affirmative
    Ctrl + 8 : Negative
    Ctrl + 9 : I'm in Position
    Ctrl + 0 : Enemy spotted!

    Alt + 1 : I need repairs!
    Alt + 2 : Take the point
    Alt + 3 : Move out
    Alt + 4 : Follow me
    Alt + 5 : Hold postion
    Alt + 6 : Cover me
    Alt + 7 : Take cover
    Alt + 8 : Fall Back
    Alt + 9 : Return to base
    Alt + 0 : Destroy it now!

    Ctrl + Alt + 1: Attack the base defenses!
    Ctrl + Alt + 2: Attack the harvester!
    Ctrl + Alt + 3: Attack that structure!
    Ctrl + Alt + 4: Attack the Refinery!
    Ctrl + Alt + 5: Attack the Power Plant!
    Ctrl + Alt + 6: Defend the base!
    Ctrl + Alt + 7: Defend the harvester!
    Ctrl + Alt + 8: Defend that structure!
    Ctrl + Alt + 9: Defend the Refinery!
    Ctrl + Alt + 0: Defend the Power Plant
  13. Shadowomega

    PS1 voice call outs were put in just like they were in Tribes 1 and 2 due to the fact Sporkfire and Smokejumper were said to be lead devs on those two games.