[Suggestion] If you know how to play and are bored of your faction / continent, please come to TR Cobalt <3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. MavCooL

    now that's a nice joke ;-p
  2. Diilicious

    I go and play against TR on cobalt when i want a chill evening and lots of certs quickly, because TR are stupid as hell... literally NC with red paint. both factions just dry humping each other because neither is smart enough to get one up on the other. the only thing either has to bank on is just bringing more people to the fight than the other faction and hoping for the best. lol
  3. Odins Son

    although it might feel right and fine for you guys this is in fact a problem as the TR is balanced around being the most populated faction.
    There is a need for the TR to overpop just to equalize their underperforming weaponry like in accuracy, COF, their lack of ESAV since Gaykeeper and Fracture nerf. Playing all 3 factions i can frankly say the TR is the most unsatisfying faction of the 3. Mostly I go with NS weapons or mid-range carbines which are solid. But that away most of the TR stuff is garbage and feels like riding a blender.
    Most fun: VS on almost every aspect and class esp. going HA. and NC LA with ACX-11 or GD7F (outclassing one of the TRs traits Rof)
    It's a bit strange when you see every faction has it's traits but only one of the traits is given to all other factions: Rof. (Bigger magazines are highly recommended as the TR stuff ... you know shake, shake, shake !! shake your booty!)
  4. Inzababa

    wait what ? WHAT??? WAIT

    WHAT? ???????

    I always thought that TR had a disadvantage compared to other factions, but I always put that down to bad balancing, a mistake, or whatever.

    You're saying this is intended??? Could you provide a source or evidence / proof?

    It's not that I don't believe you, or do believe you, but I'd really like to check and read up on this. It sounds way too crazy to be true though imo....
  5. Odins Son

    Well... it's not like this is going to be published, but you just gotta add 1 and 1. At this point I don't want to come up with stats and sh.. cause on paper everything seems equal and fine. But you gotta FEEL the difference! Ever asked why the VS is the top tier player pool? But at the same time the least played faction? The answer is simple: aesthetics. Most new players feel attracted to the TR cause they come up with what they are used to from COD and Battlefield: some stormtroopers with hefty guns.

    When you have an asymetrical system you can't balance things like every faction is at 33%. pop

    Over the years it showed that the TR IS indeed the SPAM faction. While VS was claimed by a few elitist tryhards. And NC is the weird brother on steroids of the TR. They closed the gap almost by pop.
    Another factor is the higher ROF of the TR and their bigger mags. There are two ways to get the DPS toned down with the other factions.
    1. Less damage like in the Lynx
    2. Make the weapons recoil and cof more unpredictable and less controlable.

    there is no need for any stat just try it out yourself. Go to the shooting range and try the different weapons.

    I'm honest here: I dont' have 4000+ hours in the game like some other vets. But you can cut that in half.

    And you know what? I'm ok with how it is. VS would constantly loose if they hadn't their topgun guns and MLG pros. TR would zerg the hell out of the NC and no one wants to play any other faction.
  6. Inzababa

    if it were true, it would be the first time ever that a game company did this (right?)

    let's say that we agree that TR is weaker (I mean, I say this all the time, but it's just a feeling, I woulnd't bet my car on it)

    but let's say that it's true.

    My question isn't that, my question is -------> "what makes you think that this TR weakness was / is intended"?

    I wouldn't be and am not shocked that a faction is weaker or stronger, I would be shocked if it were intended.
  7. freeAmerish

    Problem is not TR/NC/VS is clearly overpowered these days. Your problems are the playerbase.

    And when the russian TR zergfit lost interest, who knows what´s next. With the next zergfit the fraction they belong to must be OP.
  8. Odins Son

    Don't get me wrong here: TR isn't weaker. They are just harder to master. Some years ago (2013 I guess) the NC was on the upper hand on the popularity swing. They just added the Raven and the Phoenix and all players went NC for the fun stuff. Therefore the devs needed to tone down the impact of their arsenal due to these circumstances. DBG is doing fine with the balancing I would not volunteer for this job.
    But another topic you might suffer from is: the laggy servers lately. There has been a huge impact on many players (not me, I always suck) in terms of hitreg, lag and glitching. This is what you might encounter and what might feels like you it's getinmg worse. (In fact it is)
    Sadly some players exploit the lag compensation to get a small time advance and maybe cause hitreg issues as they are not really there where they are on you screen....