[BUG] no end to launcher problems

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luke_Nadewalker, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Fauxpas

    Effin' Saturday prime time getting consumed. The only day and time to play properly after the week of craptons of work... And I pay sub for this? How will it be compensated?

    @TelkwaHV Not yet up for me at least.
  2. TelkwaHV

    It let me log in now, but won't launch the game server. :(
  3. FieldMarshall

    The one day in 2 months i have time to play more than 3 hours. Nice.
  4. TelkwaHV

    Well it's getting closer at least. It now launches the game full screen but then throws Game Error G29 Malfunction.
  5. woogibang

    omg. this remind me of first year of swtor
  6. OgreMarkX

    HOW DARE YOU ASSUME EVERYONE'S GENDER!!!??!!!???111??111!! MEN? PlanetMEN?

    <puts on trendy bandanna and black hoody and burns down a local Starbucks that employees 15 people to show solidarity with, well, no clue>
  7. LarryTheBozo

    Launcher lets me enter user & pw but that's as far as I get. Looks like it's not just me. I'm in C-4 withdrawl .....
  8. TelkwaHV

    Its times like these that I wish there was a way to play single player just to screw around. Sucks that the practice server can't run locally.
  9. Luke_Nadewalker

    after 15 times re-launching the launcher , just to get it to update, it finally says PLAY.

    i click play........ then this happened...

  10. LarryTheBozo

    same here .... i was able to get to the PLAY button and error screen. Progress .... I guess.
  11. BorgUK1of9

    cant login, typical, seems to happen more and more
  12. Lazer1982

    Yup same for me as well 2:45 EST
  13. GunghoBoda

    CANT LOG IN YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just love the technical issues....:mad::mad:
  14. TelkwaHV

    OH snap, I'm in Connery now.
  15. GunghoBoda

    lol so it tried again and now its saying my password isn't right, guess I'm done trying for now I'll go play something else that actually works..
  16. boey

    The launchpad is so damn broken. Unbelievable.
  17. Lazer1982

    yea tell me about it Gun This Skinks...
  18. cobrakhan5

    just logged in =0
  19. H3cate

    Ive got the exact same set of problems man. Im considering reinstalling?
  20. H3cate


    "Game error : G29"