How Can I help this Game get Better?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Morgan Young, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Morgan Young

    How Can I help this Game get Better without obviously spending money?
    I think this game is dying and if you look at the sever pop over the years then that is all the proof you need.

    Will there be a relaunch or what because i love this game and i don't want it to die.

    Please do something to bring people back into the game.

    And also tell me if there is any way i can help without spending money.

    Thank you and i hope a dev answers this.
  2. Towie

    Actually the population has remained quite stable for many months now, if anything slightly increasing since the introduction of Battleye.

    Afraid the reality is that DBG is a business and so needs to make money to survive. If not through paying membership / DBCash, then through some other means, like adverts. If you like it so much - seems only fair to give a little back (cash that is).

    I'm a paying member and in any squad, i'd say only 2 or 3 are members - sometimes i'm the only one. Maybe membership could give more benefit without risking Pay to Win ? It's a difficult balance...
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  3. Lemposs

    Well the first thing to do, is likely to not go to any forum and talk about how it is a dying game, because that really is something that tends to scare people away :p

    What you can do get it going again? Talk about it with people, get people to play with you and such things.
  4. pnkdth

    • Stop talking about "the game is dying." If you are poor, keep repeating you are, things will not change.
    • Be positive and talk about good experiences.
    • Support an outfit, create Ops Nights with specific goals(it is good to have secondary goals).
    • Lead Squads and do serious tryhard stuff and random fun stuff.
    • Lead a public platoon(though this can be stressful and its not for everyone).
    • Make content which isn't MLG montages. Everyone has seen people take out ESFs with rocket launches, etc etc.
    • If you decide to stream, have a script, creative a narrative for each broadcast. Alternatively, make sure the people on the stream actually has personality(and not a **** mic and/or are eating).
    In other words, show others what makes you enjoy the game.
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  5. customer548

    How do you know it ? I mean, on Cobalt, I meet many low BRs who obviously don't really know what they are doing. They are obviously new players. There are also a lot of battles going on. For me, these are not the symptoms of a "dying" game.

    I have no answer to your question. "pnkdth" already answered you in a better way than I would be able to.

    But maybe bringing back the "Double XP week-ends" for free players would be nice. These were fun events, and many people logged, bringing large battles.
    But nowdays, maybe DBG don't really want such a large amount of people. Maybe they would have to spend more in larger, stronger servers just for those events. I don't know.

    I also think that the Bundles from the Cash shop are a bit... expensive for what they are.Maybe if those were a bit cheaper, more people would spend money. Being able to customize characters in easier-cheaper ways would maybe make more customers loyal.

    Or maybe Devs are drinking champagne all day long and laughing while looking at "Game is dying, DBG needs more money. What can we do to help them ?" posts.
  6. No0T

    They just need to hire me, then vve shall have peace...
  7. Tehnomaagik

    Hehe ... in my opinion the "game is dying" is the defacto meme on all multiplayer game forums. EVE Online, for example has been "dying" since 2003. When I was a fresh player in there there were earnest to bone posts in forums how "thats it thats the end of the road". Right...

    As far as helping the game goes. There are many ways. Obviously the most easy way is to be a whale. But if you are not a whale there is still a lot of ways to contribute that might even having greater positive impact on the game. One of the things that is essential to any online game is the "content creators" - obviously the main content of an online game is normally interaction between humans - thing is humans do not tend to interact very freely for various reasons. So if you organize a squad and play with it in a sensible way is in essence a greater enjoyment of the game than just the linear sub of the idividual experiences, because this additional interaction/collaboration between the squad members is an additional quality. By being in the role of catalyst for making this happen you have made the game better for your people which, in turn can mean greater probability that they keep playing and perhaps even spend money on the game. Similarly a well ran Outfit is greater for the game than just the simple sum of its components. Be a content creator - start a fight somewhere.
  8. Liewec123

    just play, thats all it takes to keep us money spenders playing, lots of people to shoot at :)
    or yes, convince others to play so we have even more people to shoot at! :D
  9. No0T

    Just go in the suggestions and cheer everybody there.. and try to be possitive about any sugestion disregarding if it is better or vvors for the class you play unlike everybody else vvhom are killing the game for having narrovv heads.
  10. Wargamer

    Publicity and convincing others to spend money in the game.
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  11. OldCuban

    You want to save the game but not donate funds to keep it going?????


    LIberal logic right there! I want it forever and FREE!

    Anyhow, only true way I can think of that you may help keep PS2 around without spending a dime is to spread the word about it. Many online PC FPS gamers aren't even aware that it exists.

    You could also stream your game sessions.
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  12. velie12

    if you want a dev answer you should post this on reddit rather than here
  13. Merica4427

    who are you
  14. Chazt

    Sick hyperbole. Kind of like how every conservative lynches minorities and thinks you can electrocute the gay away right?

    But sadly, this is the forum for that.