PS4-What does the auto squad setting do?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KrayzieSouLja, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. KrayzieSouLja

    Hello everyone,

    I have searched all over for a answer to this question and I was wondering if anyone knows exactly what the Auto Squad on or off setting does. The option is found in the squad management section while you are a squad leader only. I have played with it many time, but I cant seem to figure out what difference it makes.
  2. Ziggurat8

    New players to the continent that don't already have a squad get assigned to "auto join- on" squads. If you don't want a squad full of randoms leave it off. If you want a full squad leave it on.

    If you want a huge platoon of randoms just keep moving people to the other squads as they get auto joined. I've had 40+ randoms before.
  3. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    As Ziggurat8 already said, you are getting automatically joined into the squad which is in your near.