
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by freshrebel234, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. freshrebel234

    question to the planetside developers: what am i supposed to do here?


    i understand you want a fair fight but blocking players out of the game is not the solution.
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  2. FateJH

    Queue up. The buttons are green.
  3. freshrebel234

    i play plannetside to entertain myself, being in a queue is not exactly entertaining. And if you stay on one continent for a long time it's probably not a big issue but i like switching continents once in a while.

    all i want to say is that i think there are other ways of balancing the factions. you can grand bonuses to underpopped factions, you can even cripple the overpop team. but to lock players out of the game is just cruel.
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  4. Kanelbullen300

    there is like no other option here.. you can't have too many players on a continent nor can you create a rediculous inbalance between the factions
  5. FieldMarshall

    Its pretty much the same for all multiplayer games, waiting to find a match or (for MMOs) waiting in a queue.
    A queue system is the easiest way to balance teams, its also usually effective. Thats the price we have to pay for multiplayer.
    To be blunt, you can either wait or find something to play offline.
  6. Eternaloptimist

    I join a queue, I wait about a minute. But then I subscribe so I get queue priority. It is better than being massively outpopped when I do get somewhere.

    I find that max population queues are shorter than faction balance queues on the EU servers, if that is any help.

    And it is not always the case that both or all continents are queued............lots of time there is at least one continent open.

    Quick question though, when was the last time anyone saw a queue for Hossin :eek:?
  7. Ziggurat8

    I know this sounds crazy...But you could play on a different faction for a while.

    God knows I would.
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  8. AkuraThDB

    Queue up and go play in VR for a bit. Not much else you can do.

    I think I recall it happening once. Probably a faction balance queue when the TR was getting its ***** handed to them in an Indar alert.
  9. Mojo_man

    ^ this. I play all 3 and I'm very happy for it. Give it a shot OP, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.
  10. pnkdth

    Join the proud 4th faction today! It is awesome. Reach your full potential with technology, freedom, and dakka!
  11. JobiWan

    When I get faced with a long queue, I just log out and play something else. If DB want to discourage me from playing and possibly spending more money, then that's on them.
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  12. Beerbeerbeer

    Why don't you switch factions instead of complaining. Or subscribe so you can move to the front of the line.

    Look at the percentages across the open continents. If they relaxed the faction/balance queue even more than what it is now, it would make those few people playing the least populated faction log off and/or switch even more. It feeds and self-perpetuates on itself because the experience bonus doesn't mean jack crap.

    If anything, the faction-balancing queue should be worse. They allow the disparity to be too high as it is.

    Another thing, I'll log into the most populated faction and enter queue just to keep you non-subscribing zerg feeders out. As soon as I enter the continent I'll log out, switch factions then switch back and re-enter queue (sometimes it will allow me right back in) to make your wait even longer since I move to the front of line each time.
  13. AkuraThDB

    It's not so much as "discouraging you from playing", it's more like "the server cannot actually handle this many people at once"(except faction balance queue - that's self-explanatory). Planetside 2 can (supposedly) handle hundreds of players in the same world area. That's a lot of pressure on the server, especially since it also has to manage other entities like turrets and vehicles. Not a whole lot of other games can do that, the only one that comes to mind is Battleground Europe(aka World War II Online), but they have more competent developers if I recall.
  14. Ziggurat8

    Your loss I guess. Everyone on the other factions won't miss you 1 bit.

    Enjoy not playing while the rest of us willing to fight uphill outnumbered battles enjoy that you're not playing as well.

    Lol. I'm sure DBG misses your money as much as they miss you ruining the experience for all the rest of their players. Picture a server with 70% of 1 faction. Probably sounds like fun huh. DBG is smarter than that.
  15. adamts01

    I played this game for 4 months like an addict and didn't find this to be the case even once.

    I played all 3 factions, but I don't blame anyone for being loyal to 1. Having the ability to be hardcore for a specific side in this game is pretty cool. Not only that, but the grind to get an adaptive character that's decent in every role is absolutely insane. You can't ask the average player to do that 3 times.

    I'm with you OP. With closing servers, this game doesn't seem to be doing so well, and the last thing they need to do is not let someone play who wants to play. My solution is simple, just buff the hell out of the XP reward for under-pop factions. 50% XP for every percent you faction has less than the over-pop faction. Things would balance out quickly. I guarantee you wouldn't see any of this 50% faction nonsense if there was a 1,200% XP bonus out there to join the losing team. Fights would be more even and more fun, and perhaps this once-paying customer would return.
  16. Ziggurat8

    No. They need to go way further than just xp bonuses if they let everyone flood one faction.

    They would need a way to artificially increase the low pops available forces. Increased resistances and reduced nanite costs to the low pop sides forces. Or reduced resistances and increased nanite costs for the overpop. How about an increased spawn timer for the over pop faction or decreased spawn timer for the under pop or any combination there in?

    Would that be better than a que? Fighting harder to kill faster respawning more vehicles per hour factions? I bet you wouldn't want to play against that...
  17. JobiWan

    I have characters on all 3 factions, but if I want to play on a certain night with friends on TR, sometimes I can't without being forced into a queue. It's nothing to do with uphill battles or wanting to play the overpop, I actually like playing the underdog. It's about choice.

    I do enjoy not playing. I've got several other games I can enjoy, but thanks.
  18. LordKrelas

    What happens, when the over-popped faction is fighting an under-popped faction at equal numbers?
    Are they expected to now lose, since they aren't swarming them?

    All of these effects, would mean unless they are fighting with the numeric advantage in every fight, they are screwed.
    After all, if your fac has overpop, would You like having to fight twice as many vehicles, and infantry whom are stronger than You?
    In a fight where Your overpop-fac actually has the numeric advantage, sure that'd make sense... only in that battle \ zone.

    Go over to a smaller fight, and equal numbers means death to that same faction, wouldn't it?
    Forcing your side to actually need to have the numeric advantage, to actually maintain fighting capability would it not?

    Not to mention, having overpops be even more severe?
    Not having enough bullets, or health, would be the least of your worries.
  19. adamts01

    It's not uncommon for one side to reach 50% pop, and people would leave in droves for 12x XP gain +. As a BR80 there's tons of stuff I still need, and if I could mine cortium for an easy 1,500 certs/hour, you know where I'd be to get geared up. Either way, if there was even a 4% pop difference, that's 200% XP gain, things would even out quickly with that kind of XP out there. Maybe you don't care, and vets don't care, but I see more noobs than vets in these fights.
  20. Towie

    Create a VS alt ;)

    (DBG really do need to do something to get the VS population more in balance - it's been out of whack for a long time, in fact it's been even worse in the past)