[Suggestion] Now that Thermals are now 'Threat Detection'

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BurntMyWater, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. BurntMyWater

    Can we have the new Threat Detection optics detect tank mines too? I think it would make threat detection optics a little more desirable since it was adjusted to ignore infantry. Plus, being able to see tank mines would fit with the name of the optic since you are in a vehicle and tank mines are very real threats to vehicles.
  2. Pelojian

    threat detection optics is the worst possible name they could have come up with, infantry within 150m of a tank are threats despite what the developers think.

    as for tank mines, use EOD implant.
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  3. SixNineFour

    I agree, and not just tank mines. It should make all deployables and fired projectiles extremely visible.
  4. LaughingDead

    Let's also make it highlight stealth sundis and ants, that's completely fair after they butchered it.
  5. BurntMyWater

    I'm aware of the EOD implant. Just trying to come up with a way to make the optic less useless since the last patch.
  6. BurntMyWater

    I think that would be an overreaction.
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  7. LaughingDead

    Nah. It's a specialized optic that finds stealth buses at closer ranges, after all the previous method was to find the infantry and track them clocking in and out, this seems like a fair trade.
  8. ColonelChingles

    Or maybe this is a sign that the Devs think infantry should no longer be threats to tanks?


    It's here. I knew if I just waited and believed in the Devs' fairness, justice, and adherence to past promises they wouldn't let me down... sniff sniff.

    Because there's no way that after all the horrible things they've done to tanks this could be yet another nerf... I mean there's got to be a limit of abuse that a decent human being could heap on tankers... right?
  9. Scifi

    There should be no easy way to spot mines of any sort.
  10. LaughingDead

    Why not? It's a speacialization with drawbacks if you always keep it on, seems perfectly fair to me.
  11. Pelojian

    air nerf to thermals was justified they had 500m range vs a tank or ground vehicle that could only see infantry highlights at 150m or less making A2G farming easy mode, any serious tanker used zoom, anyone using smoke on a tank was easy to hit through the smoke. the only weapon i used thermals on was the vulcan.

    any infantry in range of 150m is a threat to a tank unless the devs have had a personality change and have decided to follow through with the infantry AV lethality nerfs.

    if infantry weren't a threat to tanks, then why the C4 armor on test that only stops one brick?
  12. SolVector

    Of course they're following up with AV lethality nerfs! Thats why they gave LA Rocklets and added underbarrel grenade launchers to Infiltrators while weakening gunners ability to spot them.
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  13. Eternaloptimist

    Maybe, maybe not. But in the meantime we are coming for you :p. Seriously though, I think that either:
    • LA will get a nerf of some kind somewhere down the line after their recent buffs have been evaluated for impact on gameplay; or
    • devs just want to encourage more people to play LA.
    Look at the Medic buff to KD recovery as well....................Medic and the LA are the least played infantry classes in the game IIRC and players have been given recent incentive to play both of them.
  14. ColonelChingles

    Also I'd add that it's clear the Devs want fewer people to play in vehicles... and before all these shenanigans there were far more Medics and LAs than tanks!
  15. Hajakizol

    Basically they like infantry look what they did to maxes.. tank mines no charge and a weapon just to kill them the archer.
  16. OldMaster80

    It's already there, it's an implant. And it should tank mines to every mate nearby, I'd say it's more than enough.
    If you add that ability to thermal as well landmines become next to useless for 200 certs and a pinch of energy...

    Almost everything in this game has the proper counter. The only thing that had none was thermal.
  17. LaughingDead

    Except, cover, resistances to the opposing weapon, buildings, depending on the base fights just simply fighting indoors and basically any vehicle that could counter the vehicle using said thermals. And even then, if you made threat optics see mines then why not? You can still use them on maxes and force detonate on infantry and parked sundis.