Would my computer do fine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WhoCaresShootEm, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. WhoCaresShootEm

    Before I begin, I do not know if this is the appropriate place to ask this and if it isn't I apologize. This is my first time on the forums. While I can look it up, (and have) I feel like I can trust planet side 2 players who play the game better than that of a google search. So how well do you believe my PC would do in this game?
    GTX 960
    Intel Core i7-6700
    16 gigs of ram

    Thank you for your time! :)
  2. RainbowDash9

    its a crap shoot on determining if your system will do well. my i-5 and 960 get the job done for the most part, so id assume yours will do fine. however, you will ALWAYS drop into the low 40s, hell even 30s in big fights. thats just how the game is.

    Id say my guesstimate, if you played on everything max except shadows on high and particles on high (because the ultra settings of those two destroy even the beefiest systems for no reason) youd get around 90-120 in open areas or small fights. large fights youll probably drop to around 60-40.

    Mind you this is highly dependent on the status of the games optimization, which varies wildly with every patch.

    TL:DR youll be alright.
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  3. Mojo_man

    Your hardware should be fine, but for reference, I use the same processor as you, and have a GTX 980Ti with 32 gigs of ram, and the game categorically chugs if I play in full screen mode. (I have a 4k monitor)
  4. SolVector

    Just to bring the thread up to speed on the status of your previous answers...
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  5. adamts01

    You'll do fine, I've got the same thing but a 960m in my laptop and it does well enough on low/med. My laptop does drop in to the 20s during the biggest 96+v96+ fights, so your desktop shouldn't go lower than 30s. If you're new to the game however, just make sure not so spend any real money for the first month or two. I played for 2 weeks, really liked it, spent a couple hundred, and quit the game 4 months later when the problems became too glaring. But plenty of people love it, so good luck. And join a unit asap, playing with a team makes all the difference.
  6. SolVector

  7. adamts01

  8. FieldMarshall

    You should be fine. I have something similar to you.
    GTX 970
    16GB DDR3

    My (capped) fps doesent go below 60 in 96v96+ fights, unless i play on Ultra.