Buff ES Sniper Rifles?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Campagne

    In light of the recent Phaseshift buff --and a considerable one at that-- I'd really like to see the Railjack & TRAP finally receive the buff they need and deserve. Note that I'm not asking for major buffs, just something to bring them in a little closer with the rest.

    The Railjack & TRAP aren't terrible weapons to be fair, but they are generally the worst in their field. The Railjack is largely worse than a Longshot in almost every way up to about 200m, which afterwards I'd argue it's still only a sidegrade at most. It does have the added niche of 300+ meter sharpshooting where no other rifle can compare, but obviously that's not a very significant part of average gameplay.

    The TRAP is pretty much worse than any other short-range primary weapon available to TR infiltrators, being bad at range and slightly less bad up close. Personally, I feel that is does not get enough credit but by no means would I ever actively choose to use it over almost any other weapon. Maybe over the ES auto-scout...

    For the Railjack I'd personally just like to see the awful firing delay removed, with mag size dropped to one round to compensate or some such thing. The TRAP needs less bloom per shot.

  2. LaughingDead

    I'd like something interesting done with the railjack, even if it had one bullet that travelled at 1k MS and had no charge delay with a 500 minimum damage.
  3. Klondor

    They adjusted the TRAP-M1 like... maybe 6 months ago? It feels more solid, but still is a skill based weapons. Of course, it's overshadowed by the OP nonsense that the Tomoe is, which single handedly ruined the idea of why anyone even uses ES infil rifles aside from actual sniper rifles, but i digress. For those who stick to ES weapons, the TRAP-M1 feels solid now, they even adjusted the sound with a supresssor on so it matches the actual rate in which the weapon bursts.
  4. Newlife1025

    Vehicle damage for the rail jack? Or insanely high damage with smaller mags?
  5. Mojo_man

    Were it possible I'd like to see the Railjack get it's velocity decreased and its damaged buffed so that it could doink a resist shield heavy with one headshot. Then give the velocity to the VS weapon, as I feel it's more faction appropriate for them.

    So you'd wind up with:

    -TR having a larger mag and faster reload so theirs is more sustainable
    -NC having a powerhouse capable of killing a resist shield heavy with one headshot
    -VS having a laser rifle with very little drop due to its muzzle velocity, resulting in ease of use.

    Unfortunately I can't think of way to make the Railjack powerful enough to flatline a Resist Heavy in one headshot without it killing other classes in one body shot.

    Edit: on second thought I guess they could do the same thing they did with the Tomoe and just give the Railjack like a 3x headshot multiplier. The goal was to give each sniper rifle some faction flavor. TR gets sustainability, NC gets raw power, VS gets ease of use.
  6. LaughingDead

    I just want no delay although one shot headshot through heavy shields does kinda fit the NC theme...dammit.
  7. Anonynonymous

    For Railjack. Instead of the current clunky trigger delay, simply give it hold and release charge up mechanic not unlike the VS Lancer. Requires the user to hold the trigger for the full duration to allow the maximum damage and velocity (Which would be the Railjack's current stats). While partial charged releases will cause the rail bolt to do less damage, travels slower, and suffers more bullet drop.
  8. TheSunlikeOne

    Players, that use RJ as their main SR of choice would be unhappy, because trigger delay is something that you can get used to, but decreasing already small mag size to just one doesn't sound appealing (at least to me).

    Basically give the RJ a feature, that a lot of people hated on Phaseshift?

    IMO RailJack is fine-ish. Though it feels unfair, that other ESSRs got buffed, and RJ did not. Maybe reduce gravity pull a bit/lot?
  9. pnkdth

    I want a bigger magazine for the TRAP. I'm thinking 40 bullets with a large ammo. Currently you eat through ammo way too quickly.

    I want the Railjack to be single shot but instead of reload it has no access to the bolt action attachment and instead treats both re-chambering and reloading as the same thing. Sort of like the pump-action of BASRs.

    As for the Phaseshift. I'm liking it. Still have that jack of all trades thing going and feels like a ES weapon.