Help with Windows 10 performance.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wroth, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Wroth

    I used to play planetside 2 a lot. I played on a mix of medium and low and got a solid 70-80 fps at all times.
    However during my hiatus i got windows 10, primarily to play Forza, and when I reinstalled Planetside 2, I am getting 20-35 fps at all times aside from warpgate when not at peak, and thats with all the settings on low.
    from my research, i found that lots of people had a performance boost using windows 10, and since my other games have not had any performance hit, I really am confused.
    I have even tried using Razer game booster, a piece of tech i hadnt used since i had my first pc.
    any thoughts?
    my specs are:
    i5 6600
    r7 260x
    8gb ram
    2 tb hd + 2tb exhd
    32gb SSD
    and some power supply thing

    Please help, I want my beautiful planetside back.. :eek:
  2. Wroth

  3. Wroth


    hopefully thisll be helpful :)
  4. The Rogue Wolf

  5. Wroth

  6. FieldMarshall

    I had some issues with low FPS in PS2 when i upgraded as well.
    I dont know if its the same problem as yours, but mine was fixed after i re-downloaded and installed PS2 and reinstalled the GPU drivers.