reporting cheaters!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by raptorzx3, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. raptorzx3

    reporting cheaters!


    for aimbotting
  2. AllRoundGoodGuy

    LOL, I didn't think that you'd actually report them. I was in the region, but not in the battle, so I can't confirm if they were. Usually, you would post a video or something that can back up your claims.
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  3. ViktorHark

    I really hope that one day I will posses the ability to estimate whether the player is using aim-bot or not in an online vidya game with FKIN CLINETSIDE HIT DETECTION.

    Of course you are not going to post any videos?
  4. Eternaloptimist

    If they used aimbots I assume BattlEye will already have reported them.............
  5. Niamar

    battleye is a farce, it is currently not working, or dbg employees are not doing anything with its reports. Either way the result is the same.

    If you can't tell when someone is cheating, you must be cheating yourself.

    And finally reporting in-game, on the website or forums has the same result as battleye.

    I wonder if battleye Is angry with dbg for making their product look bad?
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  6. Towie

    Actually my personal experience has been very much better since BE introduction - i'm sure there are still cheaters but (relatively speaking) compared to pre-BE, it's insignificant. I report very occasionally now - and even then only due to 'suspicions' rather than anything outrageous.

    Even the bloaty-head / radar hacks seem to be picked up quickly now and the concept of using a kernal mode driver to inject a hack into running code is way way beyond the capabilities of the 'click this exe' crowd.
  7. The Shady Engineer

    Heh, for some reason all 3 names sound very familiar. All people from Angel Company, no?

    Played two way rifle range against them a bunch of times, no encounter with either these people or others from the outfit stood out as beyond the realm of possibility let alone hacking. And that's coming from a very mediocre infantry engineer main.

    They aren't cheaters, just really really good infantry players.