MBT+Lightning wishlist

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Demigan, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Jake the Dog

    Everything in the support category is all a bunch of gimmicks and almost half or more of every category after that is more.

    For instance, crippling nanites? hell no. Wireframe, maybe would be interesting. Reverse gear? ... How about just certing into rival chassis...

    Some are blatantly overpowered in themselves. For instance, stealth deploy, which basically gives the MBT the ability to pop "out of nowhere" and obliterate enemy ground forces.

    Magnetic cushion is comletely worthless to any competent maggie driver.

    Tank elevation is worthless as long as there is a rock nearby and no solid tanker in their right mind would use it.

    Detection pulse is also useless, because tanks are autodetected on the minimap @100m unless you run stealth which most of the skilled guys do.

    One of the main questions you need to ask is would I take this over Vanguard shield or Deploy? Would I take regenerating ammo in my prowler when I have 100 AP rounds at my disposal?

    Would I bother taking blockade shield over vanguard shield when there is obviously no downside to taking vannie shield compared to blockade?

    EMP would be useless against certain vehicles in CQC, IE a Bruce Lee type prowler, I don't need my hud or abilities to take a massive s*** on your vanguard. However the vanguard requires a shield against a fully kitted prowler, ofc taking the mjolnir would offset this and make you better at CQC but then you'd have the mjolnir...

    Basically all of the special ammo types are completely useless, because why would I sit around and watch my HE rounds (If I really ever bothered using them) when I can just drop more on the target every second or so deployed. As I stated earlier the magrider one is useless, the vanguard one is too niche to use over shield, in fact it pales in comparison.

    Being able to deny the vanguard its shield would kill the tank, If i can knock out a Hive from render distance you can bet your *** I can nail the shield gen on the back of a vannie, however, what would be the point of hitting a magriders magburn? Sure its an extremely useful tool but ultimately not what makes it the successful tank it is, but does complement it well. Take out my prowlers deploy ability? Why would you when you could just kill the tank instead... The destruction of vehicle abilities would be detrimental really only to the NC and only a nuisance to the TR/VS.

    Sorry for the rambling style of my post, I just wrote more as I scrolled up to see it. There's more I can kinda rip into but as Galt said, no. As an experienced tanker, probably the most experienced of the people commenting (JohnGalt in close second), some ideas are kinda neat, others notsomuch, some downright OP, most completely useless or fail to meet meta.

    Titan 150 HEAT does ohk aircraft btw. Which you're NC and should know...