Very noob question : unkillable sundies?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Inzababa

    Hey, I know how this sounds, and it's really embarrassing, but could anyone tell me how a sundy can resist :

    2x c4
    1x vehicle grenade
    ALL rockets of decimator (shot at back of sundy)

    and still not even smoke coming out of it?

    Also, could anyone be so kind as to let me know how I can equip my sundy to resist that stuff? I had a look at certs etc but can't see it ..

  2. breeje

    deployment shield
    it can be killed by on person but you need to destroy the shield first with one C4 brick
    then use your second C4 brick and trow some extra stuff that explodes on it
    if you wait to long the shield will come back on, i believe for a maxed out shield it's after 6 seconds of no damage done to the sunder
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  3. Inzababa

    ohhhh ok, thanks a lot !

    *goes and hides in a dark corner*
  4. The Shady Engineer

    Like breeje said, it's deployment shield.

    The interesting thing about DS is that it uses different resistance values than the Sunderer itself. To use tank mines as an example- If I stack 5 tank mines on top of each other and detonate- it will only bring the Sundy to half health but if I use the 3-2 method (3 mines at the front bumper, 2 at the rear) and detonate them in sequence, it will instantly kill the Sundy. Why? Because the first blast with 5 mines stacked on top of each other counts as a single damage source so it falls under the shields resistance whereas when doing the 3-2 method, the first 3 mines fall under shield resistance and kill the shield and the other 2 mines fall under the Sundy's resistance and are enough to kill it.

    Same thing in your case. If you stack both C4 bricks on top of each other and throw an AV grenade to detonate, all 3 explosive will fall under the shield's resistance. The way to do it is throw a brick, detonate, throw another, detonate, throw AV nade, shoot deci. That way the first brick will go under shield resistance, the second will also go under shield resistance and kill the shield and the AV nade and Deci round will damage the Sundy itself under Sundy resistance.

    Interesting thing about deployment shields and decimators- a decimator reloads in 5.7 seconds and the deployment shield (at max rank) starts regenerating after 6 seconds. So you have a very small window as a solo player to reload your deci and shoot before the shield comes back online

    Also Sunderers don't have different resistances for different parts of the vehicle like tanks do. A frontal shot will do the same damage as a side shot and rear shot. It used to be that Blockade armor gave extra damage resistance to the rear of the Sundy and you had a bunch of battlebuses driving into battle *** first, but that's a story for another day.
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  5. Juno

    You can do what breeje said by getting Demolitions Pouch or Mine Carrier on an Engineer. Use one of your C4 or Anti-Tank Mines to break the shield then throw down the rest. C4 works best because you can to manually detonate them, whereas the mines you have to shoot them so the shield might start recharging before you get a chance to blow them up.
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  6. The Shady Engineer

    ^ 2 mines at one bumper, 3 mines at the other bumper, sticky grenade on top of 3 mines, run to the bumper with 2 mines under it, shoot the 2 mines with your primary as soon as the grenade goes off. Takes some practice but once you're used to it it's practically an instagib. Which is good because the opposition doesn't have a chance to react.
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  7. Inzababa

    that makes perect sense now.

    I didn't mention in my OP that after that I also tried coming back with my engineer, dropping 3 mines and setting up a AV turret, I literally couldn't take it down even after 4 or 5 shots (by which point the owner showed up and shot me). (I'm guessing even a maxed certed AV turret still reloads in about the same time as the shield.

    It's not the first time I encounter this, obviously, but this time I decided to be more careful.

    So basically if you drop 3 tank mines, then go back to your sundy or base to get another 3, none of them will do any damage !

    I almost feel like saying "that's OP!!" but I know better, especially after reading yours and others posts. Thanks for the explanation.

    Am I correct in assuming that once the sundy shield is down, I could keep it down with any kind of damage as long as it's before 5.6 seconds? (for example, just shooting it a couple times)
  8. Juno

    As long as you can actually damage it, yes. Small arms don't hurt Sunderers so you are unable keep the shield down with simple gun fire. However, something like the Archer would work well since it is an Engineer weapon or an AV Mana Turret. As The Shady Engineer said you can use a Rocket Launcher but the downtime between shots give a very small window, and Heavy Assaults can't get a Demolitions Pouch so they can only bring 2 C4 - which isn't enough to deal with a Shield Sunderer.

    Engineers are your best bet for cracking a Sunderer.
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  9. The Shady Engineer

    Anytime :)

    A fully certed AV MANA turret reloads in 4.5 seconds, so you shouldn't have trouble keeping the shield down with it. If I remember right it takes 3 missiles to drop the shield after which you can put the 4th missile into your 3 tank mines and it will kill the Sundy.

    Any sort of AV damage, no matter how small, even things like Archers and explosive bolt crossbows will keep the shield from regenerating. Also keep in mind that just like infantry shields, Sundy shields regenerate over time. It won't have full shields at the 6 second mark.
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