Your coolest kill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Newlife1025, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. AirPilot

    My coolest kill must have been when I was flying my reaver over J908 and I managed to kill 3 aircraft in a 3v1 dogfight while I was still noobish learning to fly, I felt amazing :>
  2. Itorien

    I rammed a flaming scythe into an almost dead sunderer and both exploded but I jumped out and killed a few dudes around the sundy and their attack was wiped out.

    I heard a burster max firing at airplanes from the front of their spawn so I drove my harasser through a narrow stairway and a narrow corridor that had a tight 90 degree turn next to the spawn but I managed to make the turn and the max was right in front of me but didn't anticipate me so I roadkilled him and got out before the off limits damage would have killed me.

    I was driving with a mate with a flash that had C4 attached to it and told him that I would show him HLJP (high level ji had play). So I drove next to our base and turned out that there was an empty enemy harasser next to it. I speeded the flash into it but jumped out before the impact and the mate didn't and I blew the harasser up and he died. The wreck rolled on top of me downhill and I died too. Some random guy who was nearby laughed.