[Suggestion] Punish Players for Swearing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by w11w, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. MrMinistry30

    ****ing troll...

    if that ****ing offensive language offends you ****ing little ********** then you should grap your pants, pull them back up, walk out of your room, go outside and take a deep ****ing breath and go back into your ****ing room :D

    No, seriously: this is the Internet and people will talk like they want. if you are a bit too "soft" for this, you can always mute the players that swear and ignore them in the chat.
    Don't try to force your ideas down everyone's throat only because only YOU as 1 player amongst thousands feel offended because personally, I would consider that much more rude than players who express their feelings (sometimes without thinking about it...) because i can mute/ignore those players but not the rule that you suggest!
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    But they don't have the same policy when it comes to ppl saying something they don't like. SOE had a rule that if you said something they didn't like in any SOE game they would ban you from all SOE games & all SOE forums. For instance if we were in PS2 & I sent you a tell.."I hope you get cancer & die you product of a ******!" & you reported me, SOE could've banned me from all other SOE games & all other SOE forums. Daybreak doesn't have that policy. SOE was all about protecting ppls fee-feez, DB doesn't give a flying fig about pplz fee-feez. SOE went full SJW-******, DB has not.
  3. Hondarama

    Or maybe you could just... you know... Turn on the profanity filter?
  4. JONNY1992UK

    Some people's responses on here make me laugh. They think it's stupid to be offended by words and then clearly show they are offended by this Topic's suggestion because they have to put things like 'Grow The **** Up' It's not like the OP made any bad remarks to people that do swear but still received toxic responses to this Topic and it shows the attitude some people have. Sadly for the OP, Swearing is something that you will encounter on the Internet or the Real World. So I would say that you should turn on the Profanity Filter because that's what it's there for. I don't think the OP deserved some of the over the top responses on here though.
  5. AtckAtck

    Profanity filters are for kids! Well, or for Americans...
    Any mature will turn it off anyway, and if you can't stand a little yelling and swearing, maybe you shouldn't play online shooters. Go play Hello Kitty online instead...

    Still, in the case someone really gets under your skin, which sadly happens from time to time, then just use the /ignore function.

    I seriously vote against any kind of censorship, so a clear "NO!" from me for this suggestion.
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  6. Inzababa

    1. Troll

    2. Amish

    3. Puritan


    4. Soccer Mum

    Personally, I'd put my money on 1.
  7. Daigons

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  8. Daigons

  9. Masyaka

    Changing swearing words to things like Pro, Professional and unability to speak fully-written swearing is already a punishment for angry people. Wanna those angry ReachCats quit the game?
  10. stalkish

    Ill tell you what pisses me off with the profanity, the fact that even when i turn profanity filter OFF words are still changed.
    Seriously wtf devs, im an adult, and im more than capable of deciding what words i see on a screen.
    This forced profanity ******** is insulting it really is.
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  11. Ziggurat8

    I find you and this post extremely offensive. Since I have the inalienable right to never be offended you MUST delete this and all of your other posts immediately. In fact you having access to the forums is offensive to me so your account must also be removed.

    That is all.

    Thank you for being so accommodating and making sure I'm not offended. I expect you to comply within 48 hours or I will be further offended.
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  12. w11w

    You agreed not to "post, link to, or transmit anything that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, sexually explicit, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive." The magic word here is vulgar.
    I am just suggesting a way for them to enforce the rule. An easy rule of avoiding bad words.

    Usually in the Terms of Service you won't find words like swearing or cursing. You will find words like profane, vulgar, obscene.

    Currently we can just avoid it (by turning the profanity filter on) or report it. I don't think many of you would like it if these were the only options for team killers.

    A suggestion that doesn't involve automatic punishment is if the profanity filter was always on without the option to turn it off. Like the forums, if the words are replaced and not seen by others, you won't be punished.
  13. Pikachu

  14. Problem Officer


    People this bothers don't want negative behavior to go away.
    They want to punish others and more reasons to justify doing so.

    We already have a fair filter that is toggled and some words that are blocked even with filter off.
    There is also the ignore feature which works.

    Report cheats and unblockable harassment like TK sprees.
    For everything else, don't be a baby.
  15. The Rogue Wolf

    That's not an insult; that's an indictment of whatever passes for an educational system in that guy's country.
  16. EPIC389

    I don't really think a this kind of thing is necessary. Not only is it unfair, it's also completely impractical. This is online gaming, the only way to prevent people using profanity, is to prevent them from talking in the first place. I'm not even going to go into the 'you should do this' or 'you should do that' and merely state, there really isn't much point
  17. Garedar

    Guess what snowflake. Yea that's right I called you a snowflake. Daybreak is not owned by some wimpy cry baby US or Europe run company. There will be no hand holding here. So pull your pants up your a big boy now.
    Why don't you consider that other people in the world do not view things the same as you do? Believe it or not, people in different parts of the world have different values = as important as yours. Maybe the best solution is to just PRAY for them instead of punishing!
  18. w11w

    First of all, don't assume only religious people would make this suggestion. I happen to be not.

    Secondly, if you want to be offensive, this game isn't the only place, there are other places for example reddit. We are here to have fun and the punishment was meant to remind players that bad words are a no-no in game so they clearly know not to do it in VoIP. They might still do it in VoIP but it's better then the way it is now.

    I have the feeling a lot of Planetside 2 developers have the same feeling you do which is why I am replying to you.
    About 1 month ago on reddit:[IMG]
  19. Courtnie

    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh wait...you are serious...let me laugh even harder

    But let me actually be serious here: You play a game where you do nothing but kill people. You shoot them in the face, you run them over, you explode them with anti-personnel mines and fragmentation grenades and your main concern...your TOP PRIORITY....is bad language.

    What planet are you from to think that the worst thing above all others is swearing? Let me ask you this then. Are you a child? If no, are you a parent who has children play this? If no, why does it concern you since the massive majority is made up of, you guessed it....adults. Adults (this word seems to have lost much meaning in todays society) are those who can deal with issues in a logical and rational manner. If someone says something you dont like, you just ignore it. Its that simple. If you have children who play this (children being a small majority in this game) instead of silencing everyone elses right to use whatever speech they would like perhaps you should do some actual parenting. If you dont want children exposed to that kind of element, get them off the system, the personal computer and monitor your children's activites. Better yet...you might as well lock them in the basement since you are teaching your kids on how not to deal with things. So either you are an adult who cant act like an adult, or a parent who cant act like a parent. Which is it? Why do you want to punish everyone's ability to say what they want because you cant deal with it. You act like this "foul language" is one of the up most offensive acts.

    You also are acting like these words have any true impact. If I told you to go "f yourself" would you do it? Would you be magically compelled to enact that command on yourself? Did anyone die because I flung such an insult? Did it physically or mentally devastate you in any way? Chances are no.

    Stop being a overracting manchild and suck it up. Seriously we have a lot more problems in the world than foul language and I for one get sick of others telling people how they can talk.
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  20. Daigons

    Do it right.
