[Suggestion] Punish Players for Swearing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by w11w, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. w11w

    A lot of bad language is used without any punishment. The profanity filter just hides them. Punish them automatically like you punish team killers. Maybe by temporarily locking text chat and VoIP. Don't know if players reported by
    actually work, but I would like to use it to report players using who are actually trying to bypass the filter or using coarse language over VoIP instead of players using words caught by the text word filter that can be taken care of automatically.

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  2. Campagne

    **** no!

    But really if swearing bothers you, you can just mute or /ignore offending players.
  3. GuhMaster2512

    Or you could turn on the profanity filter
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  4. FieldMarshall

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  5. Rhello

    1/10 troll.

    If serious, just turn off the computer and grow the **** up.
  6. adamts01

    Haha. Online gaming is the wrong place for you.

    Though I do wish you could permanently block players.
  7. YouWannaGetHigh

    Highby you! You are just a Trusted Companion.
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  8. Jake the Dog

  9. w11w

    The replies above are the reasons why they should be punished. Some people don't care or have no concept of words being offensive.
  10. gartho33

    And you are walking a very fine line when it comes to freedom of speach.... what allows you to suggest this also allows them to say wat they will....
  11. LaughingDead

    It's a suggestion, but swearing is not any of the above. Sure sending hatetells is stupid, but locking them out of chat cuts them off from providing good information to their faction. Maybe a limit to swearing sure but punishments like lockouts is a poor way of going about it. I'd focus on hatetells if I were you.

    No, I quit playing PS2 because of SOEs stupid rules regarding 'offensive language' & only came back after DB took over.
  13. JohnGalt36

  14. CrimsonEclipse5

    Some people have no concept of words being offensive because they aren't. They are words. Grow up.
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  15. dejavuallover3

    Grow up or go back to minecraft.Children under 18 by the way are not supposed to play this game without express parental consent. I'd far rather that all the kiddies were kicked out than that DBG started harassing people for using adult language. As for this:

    They're the same people. They just changed the name when Sony sold them off.
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  16. entity009

    The chat filter is on by default. You literally have to chose to enable the naughty words.......
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  17. Artanisen

    The Suggestion made me laugh.
    Some people need to learn to grow up.
  18. Demigan

    Actually no.

    Read this again: "Post, link to, or transmit anything that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, sexually explicit, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive"

    There's nothing there about swearing. DBG/SOE realized that you can be abusive without swearing, that you can be sexually explicit without swearing, vulgar, defamatory, tortious, harassing, threatening, harmful, illigal or racially/ethnically offensive without a single swearword.

    Swearing itself can be any of the things above, but just like any other words you can twist them to be just that. "Great kids you've got there, would be sad if something happened to them" can be a sign of compassion, but anyone who's seen something like a Maffia movie knows if the context changes the same phrase can be a threat.
    With swearing, context matters. Swearing has proven to be incredibly good for a persons health if the swearing is used to vent stress, anger, frustration etc. Swearing can prevent a situation from escalating, meaning less keyboards thrown through the screen in the case of computergames and less people having their face slammed against the curb out in the street if people can swear freely. Ofcourse there's 'bad' swearing if people swear without the need for venting stress, anger or frustration. But you can't auto-filter that kind of swearing.

    So next time do your homework on the subject. Look it up. Here's a search on google Scholar, which only looks for scientific pages (which is important because both sides of the fence will try to prove their point with anecdotes and random 'proof'):

    As you can see there's a ton of research, but little directly tied to what swearing does for us. You can see an article halfway down the page explaining that swearing is an expression of emotion and how it's used (Pragmatics of swearing, https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jplr.2008.4.issue-2/jplr.2008.013/jplr.2008.013.xml).

    Looking at the searchwords "swearing pragmatics" https://scholar.google.nl/scholar?q=swearing pragmatics&hl=nl&as_sdt=0,5&oq=swearing, you can find a lot more. If you go further you can find studies on how swearing affects the senses like pain, how it can be used (including how it's used on Youtube comments, which should be a good read. There they already point out that most of the swearing on Youtube is meant to denigrate, threaten, defame, torture, harass etc the other person(s)).

    So unless you can find a way to separate swearing from abuse etc, then you can't have your auto-filter.
    Besides that filtering swear-words only means people will look for alternatives, and this makes the situation worse. If you can't express your anger or frustration with a good swearword you have to express it in another way, so you go threaten your opponents, send hate tells, switch factions and tell your friends to try and screw that player over until he leaves the game, be abusive etc etc.

    So: Yes to swearing! Banning swearing doesn't solve a thing! 'protecting' people from swearing doesn't do a thing either as they will only be unprepared for the situation when they come into contact with it in real life.
  19. repairtool6

    Don't waste judgement on this - there will be another time...

    Some people pray, some people swear..

    Just relax and be the man who pray...

    Love is the law - you know about this :)
  20. blackboemmel

    Lately a guy send me this tell: "get cacner autistis son of incenst".
    From playing PS2 i'm used to stupid tells, i really don't care anymore. If i care, i just put the hater on my ignore list, which is a great option.
    On the other hand everybody talking like that deserves to get smacked hard in my opinion. So i also had no problem if people got punished by the game for trying to make the world worse than it already is.