I f***ed up!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Plaster, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. Plaster

    You just know you ****** up when...
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  2. Kristan

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  3. Plaster

    I mean, how unlucky am i allowed to be? f***ing hitting a tank mine mid air...
  4. GuhMaster2512

    It's always fun when you shoot someone as they drop a proxymine and kill them with it.
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  5. Newlife1025

    who uses a 4x scope on a shotgun? (says the guy who got cocky and bought one for himself
  6. Masyaka

    can u put [Video] tag next time. Until the video image has loaded i though you're about recent nerfs

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  8. Plaster

  9. Plaster

  10. LaughingDead

    Reminds me of the time I sniped a C4 out of a light assaults hands from 130 meters.

    Needless to say he was just so amazed he wasn't even mad.
  11. Idoubts

    Some guy ran at a group of my teamates and blew them all up along with him by doing that.