Bye planetside, you lose a loyal player again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RushRunner, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Ximaster

    Guten tag...

    And...tens idea de que no tinc ni puta ideia del que parles???? Aixo es un fórum angles,intenta esforçarte una mica,si pots,i escriu en angles,per respectar els demes o esque no t'entra a la cervellera del cap???? Malaït alemany dels ous,si esque teniu un passat obscur y sangrent. Sort que en Catalunya no va pasar-hi res,bueno,teniem el Franco,que era un altre dictador del ous. Pero Hitler era un assassi com ningu altre ha existit. Segurament els teus avis eran de las SS veritat???? Malaït cabr...

    Bueno,ara si,em deixu de tonteries i et parlare be. Tindries que parlar en angles,per respectar els demes,lo unic que he entes es el numero 5000 del principi,que tampoc se que es,apart de un numero.

    Vinga,sigues bon noi y parla en angles tal i com fem el reste d'usuaris del fórum. Un salut desde Catalunya i visca el Barça!!! :F
  2. Pikachu

    The internet should ban people who don't speak english when using it.
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  3. 3punkt14159

    Hey you english speaking ignorant people, some years ago Soe decidet to close down the german section of this forum for no reason, so people with other languages just use the the other forums for their posts. And if you are a person who only speaks english and nothing els, dont make jokes about others, and he also wrote that he will post an english translation lager, so calm down!

    Und @rushrunner Sicher steckt da einiges an Wahrheit drin, aber so war Planetside schon immer, aber ich finde man kann immernoch ne gute Runde zocken. Schade dass du grad jetzt aufhöhrst, wo DRUCKWELLE grad anfängt mit HSC Events zu machen.
    Eine Erkenntniss kann ich dir aber hier noch mitteilen, kein einziger Dev schaut ins offizielle Forum. Sie haben Reddit als Ort der Kommunikation auserkoren, aus mir unerfindlichen Gründen ist es eines der wenigen Spiele die ihr eigenes offizielles Forum links liegen lassen und lieber auf einem Drittanbieter schreiben. --> Nur der Planetside 2 Mainreddit wird von den Devs beachtet, nicht der Millersubreddit.
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  4. breeje

    what do you mean with "a proper language" ???
    are other languages inferior to you? are they not good enough for you to be proper for you ?
    or do you think English is superior to other languages and sud be the only language in the world ?

  5. ShinyAfrox

  6. Ximaster

    English is one of the most speaked languages around the world,but not the only,there are Chinesse and Spanish too.
  7. breeje

    well, can't say you're not honest
    i just added a small minded person on my ignore list
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  8. nomadzk

  9. RykerStruvian

    I think he has some good points, the game doesn't really seem to do too much to be team-oriented or give team-oriented incentives. Yeah, there are some stuff which make it kinda of worth it, but as it stands anyone one person can do anything, making multiple players completely unneeded unless you're zerging a point. I don't want to go so far and say that DBG feels "eh" about Planetside 2, but one of the main things about SoE/DBG, in regards to Planetside 2, is that it constantly feels like one missed opportunity after another/bad decisions.

    So many issues exist with the core game/mentality that SoE tried to push and often resulted in complete flops. I'm not saying Planetside 1 had it perfect, but there were a lot of things right about it which made the experience far more flavorful and worth it. As it stands though, Planetside 2 is just a free sci-fi mmofps, thats has no soul or personality.

    The reason why I say that is because its what I'm talking about: missed opportunities. SoE/DBG could have done so much with Planetside 2, but you consistently let it slip through your fingers in the form of people like this leaving the game. Stop trying to fit the square peg in a circle and start thinking with your head...lattice and construction, imo, was a step in the right direction, but you have a long way to go. All its going to take is 1 MMOFPS like planetside 2 to come out to be PS2s killing blow.

    To be honest, it really feels exactly as the OP says, you (DBG) don't actually care. The game has absolutely no relevant reason for people to fight in a three-way war because you haven't progressed the story at all besides what was discussed BEFORE PS2 came out, the factions feel like very minor variations of each other (unlike PS1), and the possibility/chances for group tactical gameplay is largely ignored by making it feasible/more viable to just play by yourself/zerg. I don't even know why you continue bother making stuff for PS2 if you're really not going to do anything with it. You have a one-of-a-kind game and you constantly miss opportunities and settle for mediocre. Way to go. /golfclap.

    Also, I'm going to restate something here: The game has absolutely no relevant reason for people to fight in a three-way war <= This is the most common thing I hear people complain about who leave Planetside 2 / one of the reasons for poor retention. People hate fighting for no reason / without an official 'WIN' condition. Personally, I don't care and I like it since it makes the wins all the more better. However, the game's alerts and lack of actual CAMPAIGN makes winning anything completely irrelevant. Nobody cares if a cont gets locked or if a base gets taken, because in the end it doesn't matter, thus nobody cares about Planetside 2.

    So whatever, I'm just gonna run around and shoot people/enjoy my time, but seriously, you have the opportunity to make something thats already really cool in to something thats REALLY INCREDIBLE yet you are squandering this opportunity. Planetside 2 is special and a lot has already gone in to it...just focus on Planetside 2 utilize it...start developing more in to it, advertise it, figure out something...thats if you actually care. Get Don Ferrone to make more music for it, make an expansion pack, do something. :p
  10. MrMinistry30

    wenn dir das Spiel keinen Spaß mehr macht und du was anderes spielen willst OK MACH DAS aber du musst nicht unbedingt das Forum mit einem letzten Heulsusen-Beitrag verpesten, der NICHTS, aber auch GAR NICHTS Konstruktives vorzuweisen hat, sondern in meinen Augen nur ein MIMIMI-Beitrag eines "Ach-So-Elite-Spielers" ist, der sich in seiner Rolle als "Elite" nicht mehr ausreichend durch die Entwickler und all diese blasphemischen Spieler gewürdigt fühlt.

    Meine Güte, nur weil sich das Spiel anders entwickelt als du es dir vorstellst ist es nicht unbedingt schlecht, zumal du jedes Mal wenn wir uns getroffen haben nicht unbedingt ein Paradebeispiel für Flexibilität warst. Wenn du es tatsächlich mal geschafft hast aus deinem Vanguard auszusteigen, dann habe ich dich nur als Heavy in Erinnerung, der sich zusammen mit anderen extrem hochrangigen Spielern irgendwo verschanzt und wartet, dass jemand zur Tür reinlatscht - das ist weder "taktisch tiefgründig", noch "vielseitig" also heul bitte nicht rum, dass dir "Taktik" und Belohnungen derselben im Spiel fehlen.

    Im Übrigen wäre es ein wenigstens ein kleines Zeichen der Wertschätzung gegenüber den anderen Spielern gewesen wenn du einen Beitrag in einem internationalen Forum GLEICH auf Englisch schreibst...
  11. ShinyAfrox

    nah its fine if he straight up spoke whatever just don't make the title make it look like it's english
  12. Blippy

    I can't use Chrome, I only have 16 gigs of RAM.
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  13. LaughingDead

    Personally if he's trying to sway the opinion of an audience he should at least translate it so that his audience can understand it, assuming everyone in this forum speaks german is kinda dumb considering he could just look at a few of the threads. It's not even that hard either, simply go to google translate and get a copy paste of it. Why make everyone WHO WOULD LIKE TO READ IT go through the annoying process of copy pasting, reading then coming back to comment when you can just do it on the spot and skip the hassle?

    It's not a language thing, it is a courtesy thing.
  14. CutieG

    It's most likely an attempt to get their feedback heard before they leave, in the hopes that it might actually do something.

    It's often very hard to give feedback that isn't ignored, if you aren't a high profile user. "**** you, I'm out" posts tend to attract a lot of attention.

    He should have used line breaks and English, but otherwise I understand his sentiment. Some structure would also have helped.

    Personally, I was about to make a suggestion thread about the A2G debate, but then realized that I will be ignored or mocked for not having considered everything and that it will have no actual impact on the game's direction.
    (The gist was to remove A2G from ESFs, make them effectively immune to infantry-based AA and vulnerable to small arms fire, so that they are forced to fly high up and engage other aircraft. Make ESF into ASF, basically.
    Then the Valkyrie would get a buff against infantry and a weakness to ESF, allowing them to hot drop a squad while wiping out a bunch of infantry players on approach, but also forcing them to use visual cover and low flight to avoid ESF. Which is perfect for the attacking side after the initial Gal drop, as follow-up Gals tend to just die to the masses of AA and ESF that fly around once the battle has started. Plus, the low speed and of Valks, as well as their closeness to the ground, gives AA infantry an actual chance at destroying them.
    So the defending ESF would drive Liberators away in small teams, block Galaxies from approaching via squad play and hunt and kill Valkyries as solo assassins - different roles for different playstyles. Meanwhile, attacking ESF would try to take out the defending ESF but would get some kind of disadvantage like quicker respawn times or refueling on the defending side. The new vehicle spawn could be adjusted to be helpful here.
    Valkyries would circle the area and fly under cover, waiting for people to spawn into their seats, and then re-engage for another drop of four guys. Galaxies would be used once air superiority is achieved, causing loss of air control to massively cripple the defenders as attacking infantry can then spawn on the Gals and drop directly.

    Note that I left out vehicles and that, instead of adding suggestions to make vehicles fit in, the thread would devolve into name calling if I posted it with these ideas.)

    The current implementation of three factions is ******* ********.
    The only thing it does is enforcing opportunistic play where two factions gang up on another. It's an inherent imbalance that basically cannot be fixed and sours gameplay for everyone.
    Having two factions per continent could help immensely here.
  15. TrolKabu

    If you have invested some time to your idea, it's worth posting. Make it concise and well presented, and you'll be good. People may disagree, ignore it, mock it (let alone have an impact on the development), but if you keep it for you, it's totally wasted.
  16. Ximaster

    3 faction war boring???? That is the cause that Planetside 2 is cool. And because there is no winning condition is another cause that Planetside 2 is cool. The things that are not cool:

    -Hit detection problem
    -Weird rat kiddos
    -TR Heavy assaults*

    If those things should be erased from the game,im fine and happy to play after the end of the game. Now sometimes i just stop playing due those things.

    *:I put this as a joke :F
  17. Scifi

    Planetside 2 is a biz game, unbalanced as hell. I play for fun and yes I am a NC player, I know all about the words unbalanced weapons.

    So just watch this and chill
  18. Ximaster

    Thats insufficient.
  19. Luminari

    Only noobs still think this game is about winning.
  20. natowpnzor

    You guys don't know what loyalty is. He played for 4 years, and this game fell down such a dark hole, that his loyalty finally was ground down to the point where being loyal does not mean fun in this game anymore. The terrible aspects of the game, the awful and ignorant players, we did this to him. May more are going to be lost, now ps2's sand in the hourglass is running out. What are you guys, the community, the people that let the developers live on your money, going to do about it?